The collision of a tourist-a small plane and a helicopter in the Italian Alps died seven people.

Update from 27. January 2019: Among the four German Victims of the entrepreneur Max Sheer from Cham is located in the upper Palatinate/Bavaria. The 48-Year-old building materials dealer was, among other things, company of the hockey club Straubing Tigers. He leaves behind a wife and two children. Click here to read the entire emotional obituary*

Update from 26. January 2019: After the collision of a tourist-a small aircraft and a helicopter in the Italian Alps, the number of dead has risen to seven. Among the Victims, a 49-year-old German who worked in the Region as a mountain leader, as a spokesman for the Italian national mountain rescue service (CNSAS) confirmed on Saturday dpa. First of all, the news Agency Ansa had reported about it.

Among the Victims were four German, as the Italian police said on Saturday.

The German was one of five victims on Board the helicopter, the other two had been with the small plane on the road. Two people survived according to the Reports, badly injured.

Italian media reported that the helicopter was out of Courmayeur to the Heli-Skiing was in use. The small aircraft was launched in France, and I had a flight instructor and two student pilots on Board. The French Aviator was entered in the Italian airspace without notifying the local air traffic control, said a police spokesman for the state radio station RAI.

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Five Dead in collision of tourist aircraft and helicopters

Two were injured in the accident on the Rutor glacier in Aosta valley, tweeted on Friday, the Italian national mountain rescue service. A Survivor was Swiss, the other of French nationality. Several were helicopters with rescuers on the way to the accident. It was not initially ruled out that there are more victims.

Italian media reported that the helicopter was out of Courmayeur to the Heli-Skiing was in use. The small aircraft was launched, according to the news Agency ADN Kronos in the French ski resort of Megève. The accident site is located in the triangle between Italy, France and Switzerland in the high Alpine region.

On the evening were the rescue operations due to darkness and the risk at the location have been canceled, so the mountain rescue. The search should go on Saturday.


* is part of the Germany-wide ippen-Digital editors network.