cruise and food belong together like the sun and the beach. However, holidaymakers will have to adjust on Board in terms of lush-filled Buffets on innovations.

Hamburg – A cruise without a delicious selection of food, would book. On the “Aida Nova,” for example, the new flagship of Aida Cruises, there are 17 Restaurants.

cruise: dozens of pounds of food end up in the trash

Buffets on the cruise is particularly popular, at the same time, but for one Problem: Every day, dozens of pounds of food in the garbage land . The shipping companies are striving to reduce the waste. This is not, however, without the Use of the guests.

According to the cruise Association, Clia , a ship with 2,600 pass plans to act on an Atlantic crossing with 13,200 servings of cereal, of 37,000 eggs and 7,500 servings of jam. On a ten-day sea Voyage with 400 guests, the kitchen processed seven tons of fruit. And six tons of meat and poultry are eaten on a seven-day cruise of around 700 guests. To plan rations as closely as possible, is a great challenge.

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poll: do you Go this year on a cruise?

It does what on cruise ships

But it does a lot. The Italian shipping company Costa has engaged in September 2017, the British company Winnow, the food waste on the “Costa Diadema” to measure . Exactly it was collected, what remained on the plates left. On the Basis of the data, the offer was adapted to food and reduces. On the cruise ship could be avoided, according to the shipping company already more than 50 percent of the food waste. By 2020, waste should be reduced throughout the fleet by this value.

How many Kilo of food every day absolutely in the garbage go, the shipping companies expressed hate . On the “Costa Diadema” has reduced the waste per Person per day, of 218 grams to 98 grams. The sun among the values, the reach country house hotels normally found. What was particularly dispensable? For a more decorative additions such as herbs and fruit, to other side dishes such as rice, potatoes and bread.

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raise awareness of the cruise-guests

+ Piles of dishes this chef has in the kitchen of the cruise ship “Costa neoRiviera”.©Andrea Warnecke

Costa also donates leftover food to charitable organisations in a number of launched cities – for example, in Palermo, Marseille, and Barcelona. The company also sets to raise the awareness of the guests. There is the campaign “ button don’t waste ” (try not to throw away). The passengers should not be encouraged to accumulate as much on the plate. The Buffet specially produces many radicals.

“the largest challenge is certainly, because the guest is not expected until the end of a relatively fully-equipped Buffet,” says Jörg Rudolph, Germany-the boss of Costa Crociere. On the Costa ships: The nationalities eat very differently. “The German eats five potatoes, the Frenchman’s only two,” Rudolph is a fictional example. And, ultimately, the Crew comes from different countries eating, quite different.

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cruise lines in order to reduce

moderation instead of unbridled enjoyment, in vacation? It is the aim of conflict be aware of. However, the willingness of the guests to participate actively in the programme, explains Costa.

+ Buffet on the “Aida Nova” – Aida Cruises reduced towards the end of the Opening of the shells, so less food going in the trash.©Andrea Warnecke

Aida Cruises, the market leader in Germany and a sister company of Costa , determined according to its own information, also the volumes of waste and aims to reduce. A Trick for the Buffet: at the end of the opening time will not be reduced, the offer of food, but the serving shrink shells. So the offer of food is to remain diverse, but less left. In addition, there is a pull system on the ships, in which restaurant employees with a mobile device, only meals in the main kitchen re-ordering, are also needed. From the previous comparison data, the inventory management System menu, can make suggestions for the kitchen.

+ buffet restaurant “Anckelmannsplatz” on the “Mein Schiff” – Tui Cruises was able to reduce the food waste in the restaurant by about 20 percent. ©TUI Cruises

Tui Cruises is also not idle. With the organization United Against Waste has been studying it since the fall of 2016, on-Board waste can be avoided. The pilot project took place at the “Mein Schiff 4”. In the popular buffet restaurant “Anckelmannsplatz” were saved according to the shipping company, 20 per cent of the food waste. The German travel Association awarded the project in December 2017 with a sustainability award.

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more from the cruise Buffet than you can eat

food waste strong> cruise to to avoid . The cruise expert Franz Neumeier points out that the efforts of the shipping companies are set by legislation on hygiene limits. This was due to laws in the ports of call countries, on the other, on their own interest, as there are no diseases on Board spread, explained to the Journalist on his Blog “”.

leisure can contribute to a more sustainable cruise by, take from the Buffet as you eat.

interesting : According to Stiftung Warentest: On a cruise, you should avoid these costs.


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