falls again and again in the course of diesel affair, and driving the concept of Euro-6d-Temp banned. But what is the additional “Temp” actually means is not explained. We change the.

It is in everyone’s lips, if on new cars: Euro 6d-Temp is trending. Vehicles that comply with new emission standard, could remain a new driving bans in German cities spared. But have you ever wondered what the “Temp” is supposed to stand for? We will reveal it to you.

The “mean Temp” in Euro-6d-Temp

If you have suspected after “Temp” is an abbreviation for a mouthful, we have to disappoint you. the The solution is much simpler. The suffix “Temp” means, quite simply, only “temporary”, temporary, or temporary.

This takes a reference to that Euro-6d-Temp is an intermediate step to the introduction of the strict exhaust gas standard Euro 6d. The latter is effective 1. January 2021. in Addition, with the introduction of Euro 6c, the new WLTP-measuring procedure in September 2017 has been established. It is intended to provide uniform values.

also read: What is the emissions standard for my Diesel?

From September 2019 to meet new cars, Euro 6d-Temp

in September 2018, new models must be certified in accordance with this procedure. From September 2019 this also applies to new registrations. In addition, it was introduced with Euro-6d-Temp RDE . This is to try using real drive-realistic exhaust-gas values can be determined.

As the new measurement methods for each configurable trim level, manufacturers need more time for the certifications to meet the strict exhaust gas standard Euro 6d . This will enable the time weillige Euro 6d Temp. In contrast to the Euro 6d, the RDE may differ in the case of 6d-Temp, for example, results of a bit more of the exhaust-gas limit values, as it will be 2021.

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