With the gallery Karl Pfefferle, who once made the “young Wild ones”, has lost Munich’s art scene, a connoisseur and a Gentleman. Click here to read our obituary:

The last letter that came from his gallery at the reichenbachstraße in the editorial, was the invitation to lunch in the run-up to Bright Gettes exhibition, “#Landscape 3.0”, which celebrated its first Vernissage last Thursday. Hand-written Karl Pfefferle had written next to his signature this sentence: “A young artist who does very interesting things!” Already some weeks before he had via Mail: “you know me, If I would not suspect special power, I would not use me so.”

It’s these two quotes that characterize a particular property of Karl Pfefferle: his relentless curiosity, exciting, promising, and unusual developments in contemporary art, as well as his enthusiasm, the passion with which he could convince you for standing up for all of those artists, him. Gette, who was born in 1986, last year, a diploma at the Academy of arts acquired and Pfefferle in his rooms the first individual exhibition is not the First one that benefited from it. However, it is deeply sad to learn now that she is at the same time, the last one of the gallery owner, discovered, and promoted. Yesterday, the message from Karl Pfefferles death was known.

in 1983, founded Karl Pfefferle its gallery

Munich loses with the 1946-Born a dedicated gallery owners, accompanied the development of the art trade, knowledgeable (and quite critical). His artist to lose such a dedicated as well as diligent (With)soldier, whose eye, whose expertise went hand in hand with the capacity for empathy and trust. All visitors to the gallery in the rear of the building at reichenbachstraße 47-49 lose a wonderful, warm host and a connoisseur of the arts, the mind to tell charming and with passion. The but nothing further was, than to boast of his Knowledge. Yes, every encounter with Karl Pfefferle was a profit.

“working with images, I was placed in the cradle,” he recalled last fall, as he celebrated the 35th anniversary of his gallery with a large group exhibition. “I come from a very solid craft family.” His great-grandfather was in the middle of the 19th century. Century of Tirol to Munich came, in 1859, he founded the Brienner Straße, the “frame and Gilding workshops Pfefferle”. Today, the business of Karl Pfefferles son, Michael, in the fifth Generation; it also maintains a significant collection of historical picture frames.

More than 100 artists Karl Pfefferle in Munich shown

turning Pfefferles, a master letter as a Gilder, of the enclosure of the works of art themselves – and here especially to the “young and Wild” – began at the end of the seventy years. “When I was 30, because I was not aware that I came up with the artists of my Generation in touch,” said the gallerist in the review. That changed during a visit in 1981 in the artist’s workshop in lothringerstraße, such as the Lothringer13 said at the time: “As all who have taken up painting again. In this exhibition, I’ve caught really fire.“ In connection Pfefferle artist invited to provide templates for Offset-lithographs, the he book, “brought in the publication” The pictures in a small edition of 1000 copies. The Band sought today by collectors and popular, it combines the Work of Sigmar Polke, Bernd Zimmer, Hans Peter Adamski, and Ji?í Georg Dokoupil. From the collaboration with this young generation of artists, the gallery was created in 1983, was celebrated at the Maximilian street, the opening. “A kind of idealism” it was, “that you find yourself in an artistic expression – and then supported”. Artists like Rainer Fetting, room and Dokoupil Pfefferle are still loyal to – and he to them. At the end of the nineties, the gallery owner extended the view in the United States, showed photographs of William Eggleston, Larry Clark and David Lynch. He chose the Latter going through the photographs, to paintings by the artist and Director issue. Only last summer he presented sections of a brilliant Display with David Lynch’s lithographs and wood.

More than 100 artists showed Pfefferle since 1983, in over 220 presentations, and his gallery about it to the “platform of exchange of ideas” developed: an Ideal, which he had sought. “The coincidence is a great conductor of our lives”, of which he was convinced, in the meantime, he told last year. “The only skill that you can attribute to yourself is, this is the right choice coincidences.” It is a consolation to know that Karl Pfefferle had this outstanding Talent.