competition for Aldi and Lidl: An extremely successful Russian Discounter opened its first store in Germany. The simple recipe: don’t care about Aesthetics, the main thing is dirt cheap.

“Russians-Aldi” in Germany: the First store opened in the giant crowds, but the customers of many

Update from the 29. January, 16.00 p.m.: There are new disgruntled voices among the first customers of the Russian discounter “Mere” in Germany. Focus Online quoted another man who is not found in the newly-opened branch in Leipzig, what he was looking for. A permanent Problem. it seems to be, however. The acquired by him two bottles of wine were “cheaper than Aldi”, said the customer. “But actually, I wanted to buy frozen food. However, this is not in the System.“

first visit to the “Russian-Aldi” not Mere – but everyone is satisfied

Update from the 29. January, 13.10 PM : In the course of the day, the market is filled huge, such as image reports. An on-the-spot Reporter describing the offer in the Russian-Aldi: “On a bright, cold tile light palettes with milk, coffee and cartons of bottles full of wine in neon, in the aisles of a forklift truck is still on the road, raises canned foods and jars of food in the higher shelves. Cozy shopping looks different,“ the description of the picture Reporters. Focus quoted a customer: “Fresh vegetables are missing. A full lunch, I can’t cook.“

Update from the 29. January, 11.40 : The great rush to the new Russians-Aldi in Leipzig-Plaußig/Portitz is not yet done, apparently. A Video on the net shows, the first few customers in the cheap market.

Update from the 29. January, 7.30 PM : The first branch in Leipzig has just opened, as the Russian discounters Torgservis plans apparently already in the next location in Germany: the Leipzig people’s newspaper know want, is to be built in Zwickau, the second market of the new chain.

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First Mers-store opened on Tuesday – it’s a bad optic, low prices

Leipzig – Aldi, Lidl – and “Mere”. The future large Discounter chains in Germany called like that? On Tuesday, the Russian cheap the market is about to take the first step in that direction, because then opened in a former Aldi store in Leipzig is the first Mers-market in Germany.

competition for Aldi and Lidl: Mers still want to be cheaper

This is only the beginning, soon there will be 100 branches in this country. The objective is to chain the Russian company Torgservis will still be cheaper than the competition. In Russia and Asia, the chain is extremely successful – 928 branches there are. Therefore, the Expansion into Europe is only the next logical step.

the discount market in Germany is a lucrative business, is no longer a secret: 80 percent of consumers shop at one of the two supermarkets Aldi and Lidl. Now the Russian Discount giant Torgservis a piece of the lucrative cake want. The Plan is to offer the established chains the price.

Hardly any advertising, no schnick schack – but 20 percent cheaper?

This is intended to be omitted in the Mers-markets on everything costs too much. Saves, among other things, to the advertising, as well as the presentation of the goods. The consumer gets the goods in a huge pallet in front of the nose. Not even shelves. It’s not nice – but cheap!

customers of Aldi or Lidl will notice in these photos a strong contrast, if you think of your previous shopping experience. The German markets take care of for quite some time about the “cheap” Image rid of them. The goods is presented there is usually presentable and chic. In the case of “Mere,” however, the Slogan “Low Cost. Every Day“ low prices, every day.

In the case of the Expansion of the chain to Poland and Romania, you could already get an impression of what to expect German customers: Mers undercut the discounters, there will be 20 percent of the price for sausage, noodles, or coffee. However, the range should be 90 to 95 percent of Russian own brands. to Mers

expert: market leaders Aldi and Lidl, “be back

The location of Leipzig is not a coincidence, says marketing expert Martin Fassnacht of the University of Economics, WHU in Düsseldorf, compared to Focus Online. “I believe that there is a clientele in some regions of Germany for such a discount.”

But he also says: “The concept will not be successful because it is cost-effective. To be as a Discounter succeed in this industry, you need mass, lots of branches and a large demand to be able to negotiate with the producers about low prices. Even 100 branches are not enough to be able to be successful.”

The past is with him: Wal-Mart, Intermarché (with saving) and Real failed with a similar concept. However, Aldi and Lidl should, however, be warned. “I’m going to assume that Aldi and Lidl are watching the Start”, says Matthias Queck from Retailytics, the analysts group of the food magazine. If someone is of comparable quality cheaper, the market leader, “vehemently,” he says. The next branch could soon open in Zwickau On the home page, Mere looking for a store Manager for the new location.

Learn more about the new discount store in our origins article: the New Discounter in Germany – Russian chain opened on Tuesday.