know Many readers, and use the Service via our mobile App: push messages. extends the service now is also a popular Browser. We explain to you how this works.

Mobile app user are familiar with to get about three to five times of the day one of us special, important, or exclusive Push notifications in a short form displayed on the screen, usually from a set of.

+ Push setting in Safari.©

example: “+++Express+++ mayor Max Smith has resigned from his position back”. If you tap on this message, it takes you automatically to the full article. In the case of lack of “wipes off” to you. Practically, because this important news not to be overlooked, and it is always up to date.

Never miss an important message again

we offer This Service for all the major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, so you’ll never miss the latest news from Munich and upper Bavaria: the Webpush of you will always be up-to-date. Because if you have opened your Browser, you will receive from now on, also Push messages, such as “S-railway from the falls on main line for several hours”. These messages appear as a small window and not disappear again after some time, if you click on it. You click on it, you come to its normal The Service is free of charge and can be canceled with two or three simple steps on the respective Browser. Also the re-activation is quick to set up.

+ on the Chrome Browser: On the click of the lock in the address bar, you can turn the Push notifications switch on or off.©

Chrome and Firefox – so you can set up your Browser

In Chrome, you call to set up our page on and click in the top address bar on the lock icon and choose “notifications”, depending on the request, “Allow” or “Block”. In Firefox, it is similar as you can see in the address line of a speech bubble for the Push settings.

Push administration under Safari

push settings in Safari, you can call by clicking in the top menu Safari”, then” settings”,” sites”, and finally” releases the “bar” – now services can be disabled approved.

+ Safari -> preferences -> web sites -> messages: the steps to push management©

for More information about and with our Offers you can find in the FAQ. Now we wish you much fun with the new Service of

+ In Firefox, you click for your settings, just click the speech bubble.©

settings for the mobile Chrome Browser

Like the Desktop version, you will be directed to the push settings by tapping on the lock in the address bar.

+ On the lock in the URL address bar takes you to the site settings©

be the First informed you about the connection status, as well as on the current notification setting. Now tap on the “Website settings”. In the settings view, select the “bell icon”.

+ Next to the “bell” icon indicates which setting is currently activated.©

in The last step, you can choose between “Allow” and “Block”.

+ you can always easily enable push notifications or unsubscribe.©

Push for the mobile App

would you like to receive Push messages on their Smartphone App? Then read more right here: don’t miss Anything, with Push-messages of