For well over 100 years, the maximum working time of ten hours per day in Germany almost across the Board. Union leaders want the tilt now – due to “economic risks”.

Berlin – An influential group in the Union is apparently on the From for a important rule in the protection of workers: The Central Association of the CDU and the CSU state intends to adopt on Monday a working paper, which provides for, among other things, the abolition of the maximum working time of ten hours per day for employees. The the news magazine Focus reported.

the scheme is intended to Relate to the desire of the middle class representatives in the Union, businesses with up to 250 employees. As a restriction to be applied will therefore continue to be at least a maximum working week of 48 hours. A regular, longer working hours per week would not allow the EU law but anyway. Furthermore, the grouping would like to suspend the work sites in order to founder for two years. It is intended to protect employees against work-related accidents.

Union politicians want to overturn a Ten-hour-day – Kramp-Karrenbauer comes to session

according to The report, the controversial claim is part of a 13-point program to relieve the “company, working to facilitate growth”. As an Argument for appropriate reforms, the grouping appears “economic risks” to the field. To be heard in the party leadership, the Central can Association of prosperity include: According to the Focus of the CDU is Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer to come to the scheduled meeting.

Federal Chairman of the Union Association of the German Bundestag Carsten Linnemann (CDU). He is also the Deputy group head of the Union in the Bundestag. He is an economic expert and as one of the supporters of the CDU-Chairman election failed Kramp-Karrenbauer rival, Friedrich Merz.

demands for longer working hours also in Bavaria and abroad

With the advance of the Union-SMEs are not alone – in both Parts of Germany as well as Europe, there are similar efforts to water down the protection of workers. Most recently, Bavaria’s Deputy Prime Minister, Hubert Aiwanger (Free voters) had called for relaxations, how to* reported. Aiwanger concerned with his claim, however, only to the catering sector.

About longer working hours is being debated – in different Form – also in other EU countries. In Hungary, a more drastic proposal of Prime Minister Viktor Orban has even led to the massive, days-long protests. Austria had in the summer, even a “Twelve-hour working day”.

The upper limit of a maximum of ten hours of work per day has not least a long Tradition in Germany. Already in 1918, a mandatory Eight-hour day had been introduced. From 1923 onwards, a maximum of ten hours of work per day were possible.

Also interesting: Grim forecast of the “New York Times”: Is Germany to Merkel at the end?


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network