A mentally ill Baker loved his therapist, so much so that he was watching the 2017 months. He threatened her indirectly with violence, should she not return his love.

Weilheim/Starnberg – For your patients, without any sense of self-worth, the psychiatrist thought had a real feel-good therapy. She wanted him to encourage his feelings in the affirmative – this treatment in a clinic in Peißenberg (in the district of Weilheim-Schongau), however, was completely wrong.

Stalker from Weilheim-mounted tracking device on the car

The 28-year-old Weilheimer felt at last accepted, and fell in love so much in the woman that he could imagine a life at your side. He got her address in the district of Starnberg, provided your car with a tracking device, watched you constantly when you left the house in the morning. The Doctor found no peace. She moved with her children to her 100 kilometres away, living with parents. The man lived with a friend in Munich. The woman suffered so much under continuous observation, that you had to go yourself in treatment. The defendant could not understand.

the Doctor is said to have admitted to the embrace of the Stalker

In his testimony before the district court of Munich II, he reported that the Doctor would have reciprocated his feelings, at least verbally. Once you let even a hug. The free days in which the therapy took place, for they allegedly always. So anyway, he remembered it. The woman was considering, however, due to the Stalkerei to leave their place of residence as well as the work. They hired a security service, suffered from sleep disorders. Also in the clinic the standard of security had to be increased. The psychiatrist even switched her treatment room. The therapy was discontinued. The 28-Year-old fell in love with his next Doctor.

flash-affair with a prostitute as a date, the only relationship

What not to say to the weilheimer had driven to these acts, could he himself so carefully. He admired, in his own words of self-conscious politicians. “To me, Trump and Putin impress, that you want to get the Best for your people out,” he said. From this Conviction, he was determined to love the Doctor. He saw himself as a good father for your children.

In the past, he had maintained up to now only once in a brief relationship with a much older woman – until he learned that it was the lady to a prostitute. But the love in these two weeks had been the Romance value.

Weilheimer-Stalker> stockpiling ammunition and weapons