Actually the police went to pace a sinner intercept, and into the net but two lazy drivers. Both will have to reckon with harsh punishments.

It was shortly after seven o’clock in the morning, the speed camera is triggered twice. When looking at the speed camera photos of the breath of the policemen. But not only because of disregard of the speed limits, but mainly because of the laziness of the two car drivers.

With an icy windshield too fast in a 30 Zone

Almost flying blind a Opel and Transporter in North Rhine-Westphalia, on the move, reported by the police in Dortmund. Both drivers had before driving, little Lust for the icy windshield to properly clean . In particular, the driver of the Opel had to give little trouble.

+ Only a tiny ice-free field of view was probably enough for this driver.©Police Dortmund

Just a small gap left to see the road. Not really more of the driver of the Transporter had. The police of Dortmund in such cases, however, no fun. The penalties for Driving too fast in a 30 Zone fines for the now even more of a Lead non-conforming vehicle.

also read: What is this drivers, police officers stunned standing next to.

About 100 Euro fine and a point

The Opel-driver was caught with seven km/h too fast. The Transporter with six km/h. For both this means a cautionary of 15 Euro. Due to the non-enteisten windshield fines are added each in the amount of 80 Euro , and a point in Flensburg and an administration fee of EUR 28.50.

The police in Dortmund, warns in this context: “get Rid in the Winter, all the Windows of your cars completely of ice and snow! Without a clear view you’re putting yourself and other road users in danger! In case of doubt, in the Winter means getting up Earlier so you can prepare your vehicle for the journey. Small holes to see Through is not enough for the road safety of your car!”

What do you think of the Tempo of 130?

Also interesting: Evangelical Church calls for a speed of 130 km on the German highways.


new photos: Funny speed camera pictures – The most crazy radar photos