Two women were on a bestial manner be killed. On Tuesday the trial against a former meteorologist in Munich began.

Update 5. February, 17.00: Previously, he was a popular meteorologist, on Tuesday, nothing reminded of the humorous Popular scientists of days gone by. In the dock in Munich crouched, a slender man (54) decreased with thinning hair. In February 2018, he will have two women strangled to death.

As the police officers on carnival Monday last year occurred in the apartment of Frank H. in petershausen, they did nothing wrong. A Caritas employee had not seen the suicidal patients, Frank H. long, and sounded the Alarm. That was unusual. At the same time a Missing person report from Munich, which led to the Peter Oberhausen apartment. But the police officers did not know at this time.

Very carefully, she moved into the apartment interior. Again and again she went with the note “police” is noticeable. But nothing stirred. The first room on the left of the door was the bathroom, it was empty. Then the kitchen came. She was terribly messy, but empty of people. It is the living room, followed, there a Person was, covered with towels, in the bedroom, finally, the officers found the 54-Year-olds. He crouched in front of his bed, on a pole, around the neck he had tied a rope and was about to take his own life. For the 32-year-old officials, it was the Moment to ask for new people.

police officer recalls: “didn’t Know what to expect”

Long ago he had überissen that in this apartment, something Terrible had to have happened. “The Alexandra is in the pantry,” said Frank H. with a feeble voice. The second police officer (47) and promptly went in search of the pantry. It was hidden behind the barely moving kitchen door. “I’ve been through a lot, but I’ve opened with a bit of fear in the pantry,” admitted the officials on Tuesday as a witness before the assize court of Munich II. There, the murder began to process against the 54-Year-olds. It goes to its statutory placement in psychiatry, where he has been located since the fact. “I didn’t know what to expect,” recalled the police officers.

Finally, he opened the door and saw a woman’s corpse lying before her with a strange upturned feet. You had the first dead spots. To your body of the policeman stitch was able to detect violations. A first smell of decay was noticeable. After that, everything is Routine, came an ambulance, and gave Frank H., of the stated, 100 tablets swallowed was to have the police secured the crime scene. In the further investigations, what has happened has been reconstructed.

double murder of Peter Hausen: defendant statement

Accordingly, the 54-Year-old had lured on carnival Saturday, the two women (40) to his home under the pretext to organize a small carnival party. Actually, he had it apart only to Alexandra. Because the woman, however, would hardly come without her friend, Margit, he had invited both women. The Trio knew from the Caritas-Zentrum Dachau. All three were mentally ill and could take care of them. Frank H. had developed a pronounced hatred of women, sexual sadism, was not known to anyone, nor its hazardousness. He offered the women a nut liqueur, in he had dripped an anesthetic. It was enough to make his victims defenseless. Then he strangled Alexandra, raped her corpse, and then turned to Margit, he was tortured and abused and he gulierte then Stra.

in court, he wanted to make on Tuesday is no information, therefore, the assessor was heard, the defendant had a lot of told – behind closed doors. Because of the intimate information, and due to the protection of Victims defenders had, and in addition to plaintiff, the exclusion of the Public requested. The process will take.

process the beginning of the double murder of Peter Hausen: women using K. o.-drops involuntarily

Munich Before the Munich district court II of the process to a sadistic sexual murder in petershausen (district of Dachau) starts on Tuesday. Is changed accused the former meteorologist Thomas M. (54, Name): He is said to have killed in February 2018, two women (40) bestial way. Prior to this, he has lured his victim according to the charge, to a private carnival party in his apartment. Instead of donuts, there was a sticky-sneaky Cocktail that made the guests involuntarily: liqueur with K. o. drops! The man and women knew each other from the Caritas centre in Dachau.

also read: To Fund two woman man bodies charged with first-degree murder.

women using K. O.-drops stunned: defendant. both have killed item

The three of them had on several occasions made trips to Munich The two later victims were suffering from mental illness. The meteorologist was often in the Caritas-house, because it was written on, because of depression, sick. The man developed over the years a hatred of women, was not evident. In addition, he had lived in the past in stable relationships. Eventually, the fateful turning point came then, but in M. s the sick Psyche…

Several weeks before the fact, the meteorologist had mentioned one of the two women. She liked him – but they made nothing out of it. Insulted the defendant and his Plan to kill the woman, according to the Prosecutor’s office forms. Because he feared that she would never show up without your girlfriend with him, he invited both women to a “fun” carnival advice. Both of these ladies drank the liquor and the roofies had immediate numbing effect. What should now be, according to the indictment happened, slipping away from any imagination.

The man prayed his first killed, and then her corpse brutally violated. He then turned to the second woman, abused and tortured them. Then he killed her. As Thomas M. was arrested three days later by the police, were the two corpses still in his apartment. The officials had visited him, after the mother of one of the two women had filed a missing persons report. The man was meekly take-away. After two days in prison, he was taken to the psychiatry.

also read: firefighters found the burning woman in a smoky apartment – a short time later she’s dead.

double murder in Petershausen: defendant was regarded as a “quiet phenomenon,”

the local placement is also in the process that begins on Tuesday. Because: The man is clearly suffering from a severe personality disorder. Whether he has realized the deeds, it must show the process. A major role of the psychiatric expert, the defendant told a lot. So, if he wants to make before the court any information, could hear the judge the appraiser as a witness, and so information on the did get. The only thing is that probably no one would have to reckon with the fact. The meteorologist has been regarded as a “quiet phenomenon”, “unremarkable” and “introverted”. According to information he had supplied for years weather data for the radio and TV.

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