Infested workers took in the summer of arbitrarily heat breaks. Before the court, only members of the works Council are not now.

Zirndorf – In the dispute around the heat breaks between the Playmobil manufacturer Geobra Brandstätter has and works Council members that the company hopes to before the summer months to an amicable agreement. “As the process developed, is difficult to assess,” said a spokesman for the Nuremberg-based company on Tuesday in Zirndorf. The Playmobil manufacturer accuses eight of the works councils and IG Metall members, to have called in last summer because of the heat’s own powerful ten-minute work breaks.

works councils reject the allegations

Geobra Brandstätter wanted to achieve in September before the Nuremberg labour court to the exclusion of the members from the Board due to breach of duty. The affected works councils rejected the allegations. We hope that rapid and constructive discussions, and to the fact that the conflict in as few appointments to clarify, it was said by Geobra Brandstätter. On Monday, the court announced that the parties want to try to close a comparison.


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