Now can also be in the Facebook Messenger messages deleted – as in the sister-service WhatsApp. So, you can drag the Facebook messages.

Munich – A message in Facebook Messenger was to be sent early, or got to the wrong recipient? In the future, this is no longer a Problem, because from now on, messages can be in the Facebook Messenger, or deleted – as the sister-WhatsApp Messenger. According to rumors, the two Messenger should be linked in the future anyway close.

requirement to Delete messages in Facebook Messenger is that you used the latest Version of the iOs, the Android App. The new feature is likely to be pleased nevertheless, many Users, while another new feature of WhatsApp creates resentment among the users.

Deleting both private Chats as well as group conversations possible

Possible to Delete both in private Chats, as well as group conversations – in a time window of ten minutes. After that, the message can no longer be brought back.

the recipient of The message receives an indication that the message has been deleted. Previously, you could remove the messages in the Facebook Messenger from the display. The recipients have been displayed yet.

the new Feature was Tested according to Facebook since November, 2018, and as of now it is available to any user worldwide.

How it works: messages in the Facebook Messenger

Press to delete a message in Facebook Messenger get Back, tap the message , to the Delete options “” and “delete all” appear. The “Delete” Option deletes the message only in the account of the sender, the new function “delete all” removes the message at the sender and receiver . The original receiver is then as in the case of WhatsApp shows only that the message was deleted. But attention: in Spite of the deletion of a message, it may already be too late. Because: the receiver does not Respond quickly, it can have the message before the delete request is read.

Video guide: how to Facebook message in Messenger delete
