Munich a. gon theatre shows with a world-class Ensemble, a socially critical drama in the loisach hall. However, many seats remain empty.

Wolfratshausen – “father Baptiste, I’ve sinned, and cockroaches in the bed of the neighbors.” If it would have been everything. But Paulette’s doing great, after the red stage curtain was lifted on Thursday evening in the loisach hall.

“Paulette – a grandma pulls through” is the title of a Comedy by Anna Bechstein after the eponymous French cinema film by Jérome Enrico, staged by a. gon theatre in Munich with first-class actors. The action takes place in the rundown suburbs of Paris, where crime, drug trafficking and racism at home. Paulette lives in poverty in old age. After the death of her husband, she has her thriving Restaurant to give up and, thus, their Livelihoods lost. Asians now lead your former Local. Loneliness, frustration and spite in control of your Actions. To force expressions and foul language will not save you: “Fuck You, dude!” People with a different skin color are “Negroes”. Only the colored priest Ousmane (Hans-Jürgen Helsig), occasionally asking for the help of God, “deserves to be white”. Her dark-skinned grandchildren (Vicco Farah) is for Paulette only the child of her daughter.

A piece of theatre, that old-age poverty, intolerance and racism, not moving into the Ridiculous, but with humorous dialogue and exaggerated stage presentation is entertaining and diverting in the center of the plot. Just a shame that a few theatre friends came in the loisach hall. The rows of seats were occupied sparsely.

Paulette (Diana Körner) lives in a Graffiti-smeared Container – a symbolic representation of the simplest conditions of life. You can’t pay your bills, the bailiffs (Lutz Bembenneck) seizes everything. Paulette only a table and a chair. Right next to it in a second Container houses a Gangster Boss Vito (Ricardo Angelini). Later, Paulette is involved with him in shady dealings, because she recognizes a way out of their hopeless plight. The seemingly harmless grandma begins to sell drugs.

Finally, a brilliant business idea: you bake hash cookies. The business is up and running, the developments become increasingly out of control. In this piece of theatre bizarre humorous way, the political and social problems of our neighboring state. A bitter-sweet Grotesque – the reality is totally foreign to the issue, but it is very close to coming.


also read: Pass the town of Wolfratshausen: “There’s something for everyone”