have found A 47-Year-old believes a solution for the Wake was parked in walkways. His idea may be effective, but has a serious hook.

Everybody knows you, everybody hates you, but many do it: Parking on the sidewalk. What is for some just a Nuisance, families with prams or wheelchair users. But what can we do about it? Clearly, Parking tickets and towing is a possibility, but the real Problem is.

With metal spikes against the sidewalk Parker

to have found A solution for this, the British inventor, Yannick Read, according to the English news Portal Express. The employee for the Environmental Transport Association has developed the “General description an” – cat’s claw–. This consists of a cylinder and a hidden metal tip. A car is driving over the General description an the top comes out and punctures the tire.

Read to be convinced of his invention and got the idea when he saw a statistic, how many people in the UK on sidewalks crossing . 2018 there were 43 people. “We are a traffic hazard – there is a real Problem with drivers who Park on the sidewalk or on the sidewalk, because you don’t want to wait,” he said to the Portal.

also read: Parking will cost about 400 euros a month in rent.

so Far, only “a fine for sidewalk Parker

The Park claw of the other type should be installed in large quantities on the sidewalks and motorists deter threatening”. the use the General description an is, however, planned to be in any British city . Demand would be but apparently. According to the Express walkway Parker are a big Problem in the Kingdom.

was, However, banned only in London, Parking on sidewalks specifically. In other cities and municipalities, the police and the city Council must decide whether to allow this Park variant, or prohibit. Who is in London on the sidewalk parked, must expect, in any case, with a sentence of 70 British pounds (just under 80 Euro) . In Germany, fines of between ten and 35 euros.

, it is Questionable whether the General description an ever comes. Motorists should not belong to be excited about the idea – whether you are to the pavement Parkers or not. If a city wants to participate in property damage, is also likely to be questioned.

Have you ever parked in the wrong?

Also interesting: What this Tesla driver is doing is dangerous to the public.


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