If sick employees feel better, want to be a lot of work in spite of sickness. But is that even allowed? Or do I need a healthy case?

If the work stacked on the Desk, plagues many sick-listed employees the bad Conscience. Finally, most of the colleagues, as the representative will need to serve. Many will ask, then, whether you can come back, despite the Sick leave again early in the Job. And you need about a Healthy note from the doctor? Here you will learn what myths have proved to be a mistake:

I Must work in spite of sickness?

Even if it would not some people suspect: Who would like to work in spite of Sickness, which is allowed to return to his workplace. The lawyer Volker Werxhausen confirmed to business week.

“The doctor is in a certificate of incapacity to Work only a forecast , as long as his Patient is unfit for work. The forecast does not necessarily apply for the entire duration of the certification. An employee can go before the expiry of the Sick leave back to work , ” says Werxhausen and adds: “He has to even if he’s early.”

stay at home, although it is actually fit again, violates, so, strictly speaking, against this regulation. However, this also depends on the illness and on the Job. An employee who works in the office, can do with a broken Arm and more than, for example, a bricklayer on the construction site.

by the Way: These eight professions make depressed .

chief allowed sick employees to go home

Anders is not the case, if an obviously sick employee to work. The boss can and should even send sick employees home, because the employer has a duty of care to its employees. “Think the boss that the employees could or endanger others, he must forbid him even to work,” the arbeitsrech expert.

insurance protection, if I go sick to work written?

when insurance coverage is shrouded in many myths. Here you can breathe a sigh of relief, but For the health insurance coverage and statutory accident insurance , it does not matter whether you go back to work sooner. The way to work is definitely assured.

by the Way: A healthy case, there is not – also belongs in the realm of the work of myths.

More : ill message you need to be aware of.

Andrea Stettner

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