Fortnite, Minecraft is only for Teenagers? Pensioners prove the opposite and end up with your Videos on the Berlin YouTube channel “seniors to a series of power Hits gamble”.

Berlin – Have you ever seen a pensioner, the Computer Games such as “Fortnite”, “Minecraft”, “Mario Kart” or “FIFA” games? If not, then you will have fun on the YouTube channel “seniors gamble” delicious.

The Video clip on the channel for three years online and now 400,000 subscribers, have been already recalled more than 25 million Times. You have made the seniors to small Stars. As a recognition of there was in the last year, the Digital award of the Golden camera.

“seniors gamble” on YouTube: Oldest Gamer is 90 years old

Evelyn Gundlach (87) and Ursula Cezanne (80) belong to the retired group, the testing computer games (the oldest Gamer is 90 years old). It is like cat videos one of the many things that belong to the Internet: to watch other people Play it. The Clips of the “seniors gamble”, you can find so many cute and funny.

The challenge: Like many of their Generation, the two have learned in the school only a little English, and not come so quickly. To look at the same time on the screen and control buttons – this is hard, but fun. “It’s like a drug,” says Cezanne.

“seniors gamble” on YouTube: A Genre pensioners like indoor not at all

“I play the love Mario Kart,” says Gundlach. Cezanne liked “Forza Horizon 4”. Since she was able to go so nicely with the car through the scenery and feel free. Only war and ball games they don’t like. “With something you don’t play,” says Gundlach. Because it was not radical. Cezanne told, you have in the air-RAID shelter sat and a lot of anxiety. But the wool you overcome, and these games test, so that the young people listen to your opinion.

The producers are Joschka and Sebastjan, two media professionals who want to stay as a filmmaker behind the Scenes. The games for the YouTube Channel “gamble seniors” buy them yourself, told Sebastjan. 120 Videos have you filmed already. The channel is the creators, thanks to advertising and is funded by other projects. In the USA there is a similar channel is longer (the”Elders React”).

there Should be video games in nursing homes?

there Should be video games in nursing homes? Necessarily, Evelyn Gundlach and Ursula Cezanne. “That’s exactly it!” Actually does in terms of computers and modern technology in the age just several. In the North of Germany, there was already a model project in nursing homes, with Play to keep fit for the Elderly.

The results of the Hamburg project with the “Memorebox” had been promising, according to the health insurance company Barmer. “It is now to be used in about 100 other care facilities.” At the University hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf will can help you investigate whether a special postman game at a preliminary stage of dementia.

The age researcher Prof Adelheid Kuhlmey of the Charité hospital in Berlin refers to the good experience, the patients with dementia and the use of Tablets. This can help as a photo albums in the common Remember or give a sense of security, if the daughter on a world trip and with the demented mother via a Video Switch can talk.

computer be able to customize games in the difficulty level of the sick people. So frustration is avoided. Physicians can assess with the data in the course of the memory loss. Also in Healthy it is, according to the Kuhlmey important to stay in Training: “The brain is like a muscle you can train.” Technology should not exclude old people. “It is important that the era in which it has developed specifically for Old something is over.” There is also no refrigerators for seniors.

As a YouTuber, you can collect any amount of money. The Top earners should get around 22 million US dollars (about 19 million euros).
