In the district of Rosenheim has prevented the automatic license-signs-detection of a child abduction. Against the parents of the six-month-old babies international arrest warrants.

Raubling – The veil investigators of the border police inspection Raubling have on the Morning of the 10. February abduction of a child, prevents. Against the parents of the six-month-old babies, those deprived of their right to strong legal custody, were not international arrest warrants.

The Ford, with the Pair (20, 34) was traveling and had a Danish authorisation, had been on the wanted list, after the parents had taken their child without permission from a care facility. They were also against employees of the institution violent.

The automatic license plate recognition, but on the border of the Bolo advertised indicator, so the officials stop the vehicle and the child in care take were covered. The parents were arrested due to the international against these arrest warrants.

police President Robert Kopp said about this success: “The Federal constitutional court has noticed only recently that our automated license plate recognition system with the Constitution, in principle, compatible. This latest intelligence success, makes clear the importance of this medium for the more safety of the people. The use of automated license plate recognition, as well as the professional approach of our investigators Veil prevented in a particular case, that of the 6-month-old infant to come to harm.“

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