Again, there has been a serious accident with a cabbage travel. The winter fun has ended for a group in Oldenburg in a terrible Drama.

< p > cabbage travel in Oldenburg ended in a terrible accident, A car rammed a group of A 47-Year-old was seriously

Oldenburg – It happened again: After only on Saturday, 2. February, a cabbage journey to a tragic end, occurred only a week later, again a major accident in lower Saxony, during a cabbage tour, this Time in the municipality of city land in the Weser river marsh, to the North of Oldenburg –* reported about it.

cabbage travel in Oldenburg ends with an accident: the tragedy of the Wesermarsch

According to the report, the police, a group of eight people was on Saturday, 9. February, in the middle of the fields away in the direction of Nordenham on-the-go. With a handcart, and everything you need for a cabbage travel as well. Only one thing was missing: the lighting. It came to the accident in lower Saxony. As in the case of an accident in Edewecht near Oldenburg, as an Audi driver blind his Navi familiar, such as reported.

Oldenburg: motorist sees a group of cabbage journey too late

For a 46-year-old motorist from the municipality of Stadland recognized the unlit cabbage travel group is probably too late. Although he tried to Dodge, but nevertheless, the car recorded a 47-year-old barn in Milan, which was thrown by the impact against a 40-year-old woman from Nordenham.

cabbage travel-accident at Oldenburg: the district of wesermarsch, crisis intervention team

The 47-Year-old was injured after the accident in Oldenburg hard and in a hospital. The easy-to-injured 40-Year-old was treated at the scene. The vehicle damage was reported, the driver of the vehicle remained unharmed. To care for the cabbage travel group, the crisis intervention team of the district of wesermarsch, in front of the place appeared. In addition, forces of the fire brigade were Manchester and the rescue forces on site.

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* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.