When trees and grasses bloom, fight pollen Allergy sufferers with itchy eyes and sneezing attacks. In the pharmacy many products promise a remedy – Stiftung Warentest selects the best.

tons of products against hay fever symptoms line the tilting surfaces in pharmacies. But which products are effective in itchy and watery eyes, fatigue, or sneezing attacks, and are also affordable? With this issue, the consumer organization Stiftung employees were test. There were a lot of cheap products that impressed.

So the prices differ between preparations with the same active ingredient are often enormous. You can pay for example for 20 tablets of the active substance loratadine 2,70 Euro or up to € 5.40 – comparison of the provider is worthwhile in any case.

nasal sprays to antihistamines: hay fever resources

For their analysis, the experts of Stiftung Warentest studies about the various drugs that come in the case of pollen Allergy to the use compared. You don’t only take into account the proven effectiveness , but also price of non-prescription medicines.

Cheap and effective products that relieve symptoms quickly Overview of the best :

1. Eye drops for hay fever

eye drops should contain no preservatives , because this may cause damage to the cornea. In case of acute complaints, the Foundation recommends the test were the following three products:

Azela-Vision Sine (active ingredient: Azelastine) Livocab Direkt (active ingredient: Levocabastine) Ketotifen Stulln (active ingredient: Ketotifen)

2. Nasal sprays against runny noses when pollen Allergy

products should be free of preservatives selected because it is preservative of the nasal mucosa damage . The winner among the preparations, the effect of acute, are:

Azedil (active ingredient is Azelastine) Livocab Direkt (active ingredient: Levocabastine)

3. Combination products for eyes and nose

combined preparations against watery and itchy eyes, and runny noses were tested. Here means without the use of preservatives cut back on best. The following products containing the active substance Azelastine points with reasonable price and good efficacy :

Azedil Allergodil Akut Duo

read-Ridden : So intense pollen season in 2019 for hay fever.

4. Tablets, juice, and syrup in heavy hay fever

medicines for Oral use are suitable for people with stronger complaints, because they act throughout the body. the Called antihistamines take effect : they inhibit the inflammatory process in the body, the typical hay fever-complaints triggers. Active ingredients such as cetirizine or loratadine make – contrary to popular belief – not tired. The following preparations are performed:

cetirizine ADGC (tablets) cetirizine AL (juice or syrup) cetirizine Beta (drops) Lora ADGC (tablets, active ingredient is loratadine)


pollen Allergy: What to do in case of severe discomfort?

eye drops and nasal sprays have the advantage that they selectively and few side effects. the nasal sprays with cortisone should only be used if over-the-counter drugs work , because you can damage the mucosa.

But with stronger complaints Sprays and drops don’t get Affected often. Then antihistamines ease-Ridden the life of a pollen Allergy. the If these also show no effect, the doctor will prescribe prescription medication or hyposensitization initiate . “We recommend this only as the last stage, when better means are not weighted to help enough,” said Professor Gerd Glaeske, head of the expert team of the Foundation goods test drug evaluation.

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More : home remedies for hay fever – what really helps with the itchy eyes and clogged nose?


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