It’s just a little sweat or dirt must be on the Finger and it takes forever until the phone will finally fingerprint unlock. With a few Tricks, the process can accelerate.

Hamburg (dpa/tmn) – Smartphone-users should better not Finger of your dominant Hand-the fingerprint sensor to register. Because these are basically more prone to dirt or injury.

Two circumstances, which can confuse the Scanner is easy and quick Unlock to prevent, according to the “computer image”. A better detection accuracy promise to avenge Finger of the other Hand, so in right-handers, the left and for left-handed players the right Hand. to change to ensure

a quick Unlock of the phone, it can be the information to also be useful, and to scan the same Finger in different conditions and then each in a separate profile to save – for example, if he is cold, hot, very dry or rather moist.

According to this pattern, you should register another Finger, the experts advise. In addition, it is helpful to keep the sensor area of the Smartphone clean and free of scratches and clean it regularly with a soft cloth (output 10/19).