want To Vaccinate for duty? Musician Hans Söllner, is calling on his Fans, the Minister of health, Jens Spahn. His justification for it.

Bad Reichenhall/Berlin – It is a small prick that makes for great excitement:the vaccination is a topic of debate in Germany. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU)-has rejected the criticism of the planned exclusion of vaccinated children care facilities, and the proposed fines for parents who do not let their children against measles vaccination. “It is also in the road: If you endanger others and you are caught, then you will have to pay a fine,” said Spahn in the ZDF morning magazine. According to a report in the Bild am Sonntag parents that don’t vaccinate their children should be with fines of up to 2500 euros, and exclusion from the Kita-visit prosecuted.

Söllner-debate: “mandatory Vaccination is bullshit” “a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical industry”

The Bavarian musician Hans Söllner, it is pushing for such plans, the anger redness in the face. He smells a conspiracy “in connection with Spahns Vaccination bullshit and the pharmaceutical industry”, writes the 64-Year-old on his facebook page. The lateral thinker holds Spahns plans for “extremely dangerous”. The Minister of health would provide to parents under penalty, “the want to protect their children from serious health damage, and body injury”.

Söllner-debate: vaccination advocates “are sheep for the slaughter, and Not in the know”

Also on the mandatory vaccination proponents are Söllner is not a good hair, and insulted them as “sheep for the slaughter, and Not in the know”. According to the controversial musician, Spahn would not think “to your health or that of your children.” Therefore, he calls on his facebook page, his followers, the Minister of health “because of negligence and attempted assault in some cases, this can result in death,” show:

Some celebrate him for these words, such as facebook Userin Mi M.: Söllner’m right, because “in spite of a poor vaccination Coverage in 2017,” only “58 measles cases to 13,000,000 million inhabitants in Bavaria” had fallen, she quotes the Robert Koch-Institute. That’s less than one percent, “and throws me back to the question of why there is this discussion”.

But critical Fans speak out: “they inject you, just you, everything,” says Thomas J.. “, Namely to conditioning Nanobots with its DF function and with the aim to the system to Reprogram compliant,” he writes with a healthy dose of sarcasm. He is the musician in a lot of things right, but when the topic of Vaccination “are you just Don Quichote and you just don’t understand, see only what you want to see. You, the eternal rebel“.

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From a Passat driver 23 has been followed-Year-old from Freising. The road hog is to turn a false blue light. But that was not all.