After the cancellation of the mayoral election in Istanbul of the Director of communications of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the decision as a “victory of democracy” defended. In Germany, one sees it quite differently.

21.25 PM:

One day after the cancellation of the mayoral election in Istanbul have been found on Tuesday evening in several districts of the inner city people to the evening protests. They were largely peaceful, watched by police and officials in civilian. Protesters in Besiktas called for example “this is only the beginning, the struggle continues” or “shoulder-to-shoulder against fascism,” said a Reuters reporter on the scene. The Slogans go back to the government’s critical Gezi protests of 2013. Also, the chamber of lawyers of Istanbul had called for later in the evening to a Protest.

In other quarters, again, was to hear how people beat up on open Windows, on pots and pans – a Form of protest, which also dates from the time of the Gezi Park protests. Through the district of Kadikoy, a Video of the online medium is moved Dokuz8Haber that several Hundred people wore whistled and clapped and a Banner with the Slogan of the election campaign: “Everything is good” (Her sey güzel olacak).

The Slogan had Ekrem imamo?lu embossed, mayoral candidate of the center-left opposition party, the election in Istanbul on March 31. March, just ahead of the candidate of the Islamic-conservative government had won AKP party of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Istanbul-election cancelled: EU demands explanations, he said that it is “very concerned”

19.00 : The following massive pressure from the Turkish government party, the AKP, was the cancellation of the mayoral election in Istanbul is In the country and abroad heavily criticized. Federal foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) called the decision “incomprehensible”, the EU called for an “immediate” notice. The Turkish opposition party CHP of election winner Ekrem imamo?lu spoke of a “coup” against the polls.

The EU called on the Turkish election authority, “without delay” the reasons for the repetition of the choice. The EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and EU enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn said that free, fair and transparent elections for any democracy. They also demanded the admission of international election observers at the next election.

the Federal President, Steinmeier criticized the Supreme electoral Council of Turkey has called a “no compelling reasons, which must lead to invalidity of the elections in Istanbul”. “Just because I care about the future of Turkey and the value of democracy at heart, I am very concerned about the arranged repetition of the election,” he said.

the leading candidate of The European socialists for the European elections, Frans Timmermans, called the cancellation “a terrible thing”. Erdogan had “apparently afraid of democracy,” he said of the editors ‘ network of Germany.

Istanbul-election cancelled: Erdogan is happy about the “strengthening of democracy”

13.14 PM: The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has welcomed the decision of the electoral authorities to annul the vote in Istanbul, as “an important step in the strengthening of our democracy”. At the same time, he defended the request for the repetition of his ruling AKP party. “We sincerely believe that there has been during the elections in Istanbul, an organized corruption, total lawlessness and illegality,” Erdogan said on Tuesday his party in Ankara.

Update 10.36 PM: Federal Chancellor of Austria, Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) has called for in view of the cancelled Istanbul mayor-election again in the end of the EU accession negotiations with Turkey. “Those who do not accept democratic elections, has lost in the EU”, explained Briefly on Tuesday. Turkey had for years – particularly since the failed coup attempt in 2016 – in increasingly larger increments of the EU. “There is still a strong systematic restrictions on the freedom of expression and freedom of the press.”

Istanbul-election cancelled – now German politicians go on Erdogan

The Turkish electoral Commission has cancelled the mayoral election in Istanbul and a repeat arranged. In order to grant a request from the government party, the AKP.

The Islamic-conservative government party, the AKP took advantage of the way of an “extraordinary appeal”. These can be inserted according to the law, if there has been incidents that affect the outcome of the election. The AKP and Erdogan are of the opinion that the vote in Istanbul, as a rule, delivery is illegal.

Turkey: Angry reactions against Erdogan after the election-cancellation in Istanbul

On December 31. March was opposition candidate Ekrem imamo?lu emerged as the winner. Istanbul is considered to be the most important municipality of the Turkey. Who governs Istanbul, Turkey is part of it.

Scathing criticism came from Germany, for example, from the Left and the FDP top candidate for the European election*, Nicola Beer. She wrote on Twitter: “Erdogan, the defeat will not be accepted. So the Turkey is no longer a Partner for the EU!“ The Left-Boss Katja Kipping, wrote on Twitter: “Incredibly, Erdogan’s in Istanbul, not to choose, because the result fits. The Federal government should strengthen the elected new mayor imamo?lu now the back. Also Trump is doing re: Two Trump-a tweet to shake the world stock exchanges

Turkey: Roth outraged over Erdogan

Also the Vice-President of the Bundestag, Claudia Roth, was outraged by the decision of the Turkish electoral Commission to cancel the mayoral election in Istanbul, and repeat. “The decision of the election Commission is also a result of massive pressure from the very top. The Signal is devastating: Targeted Erdogan and his AKP seem to want all those with a Worse lecture, which had hoped after the municipal election on democratic change,“ said the Green politician.

also read: uproar in the Turkish TV: girl (12) with Germany-commitment for outrage

the decision of The election Commission could also have an impact on the already struggling Turkish economy and lead to a further deterioration of the Lira. Especially food products are always more expensive. Erdogan’s problems are not likely to be in spite of the achieved re-election is low.

Erdogan’s spokesman, defended the choice-cancellation in Istanbul

After the cancellation of the mayoral election in Istanbul of the Director of communications of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the decision as a “victory of democracy” defended. In a on Tuesday on the website of the press office’s published opinion, which he had given, therefore, the AP news Agency, said Fahrettin Altun: “the decision of The High electoral Council should be seen as an attempt to help the election results, the will of the Nation correctly to reflect.”

All parties should ensure that similar problems with the repetition of the election on may 23. June not re-occurred, it was said in the opinion. “Whatever the result, elections have to take place in accordance with the laws and procedures.” To keep, it would weaken questions about the legitimacy of the Elected raise and the Foundation of the Turkish democracy.