41 organizations and clubs showed the interest of young people on Sunday, their range of products.

Geretsried – Whether it’s a sports club, or water rescue, whether or not beekeeping or Africa to help the children and youth day, the various organizations present every year to a wide audience. 41 it was on Sunday. Because of the bad weather, the popular event of the city and the Association for youth and social work (TVJSA) took place predominantly in the Aula of the Adalbert – Stifter-school and in the gym.

Anna Lena and Julian, six or seven years old, have been together for half of the ten stamps in the booklet. Fire brigades and Technical relief (THW) who is interested, Julian, for the Crafts and the face Painting was fond of his sister. At the Stand of the TVJSA you put together with the help of their parents Susanne and Henning, a Europe-stealing-Puzzle. “We come from Waldram and are here for the first Time. We are excited about the offer,“ says Henning steal.

It was really something for every taste. Action awaited the visitors in the gym with performances in Taekwon-Do, and vaulting. Yourself sporty, you could engage in while playing tennis on a small court, Darts-throw Darts at a Giant dartboard, and when Balancing on a gymnastics ball. “Actually, we have no offspring to worry about. In the case of the Three – to six-year-olds, there is even a waiting list. But girl about six years, we may need it again“, river says youth coach, Helga Napierala of the basketball game community (HSG) of the river Isar. It has the huge Dart, before a long line forms, organised at the Handball, marksmanship counts in the end. Image and recruitment is to protect the HSG also the ice rink and the tennis club, the blue light organisations and the sport. “Even if only one or two children after the day of action is actually a member with us, it was worth the effort already,” the Deputy youth Director of THW, Daniel Uhlemann,. Spectacular, the air bag demonstration of THW seems. With the Mini-pillow that is placed under a tire and inflated, can be a tons of heavy vehicle lifting.

it is Quieter in the auditorium of the middle school. Focused the children’s wood ballpoint pen to carve at the booth of the Waldorf school, or to paint T-Shirts with the youth and family office. Great, there are crowds in the open air in Stefan Blersch from the Geretsrieder beekeepers Association. He builds wild bee hotel for the garden with the little visitors – a very topical issue, also parents interested. The Dog-Dance-Show of the dog sport friends king of the village in the Playground attracts each year the attention. The dog to jump on command through hoops, run, Slalom and “dance”.

Rudi Mühlhans, managing Director of the Association, praises the flexibility of all parties Involved. At relatively short notice, the children and youth day inside moved. Each club made the Best of it. “The day is an indispensable part of the calendar of the city,” says Deputy mayor, Hans Hopfner. He, too, is happy about the commitment of the professionals and volunteers that offer their Sunday for the victims, families an exciting, varied and instructive afternoon.

the valley

see also: Geretsrieder Association of youth and social work has three new Volunteers