marijuana connect the least with Fitness. Cannabis but is intended to increase the efficiency. Want to have found US researchers.

The General image of the cannabis consumer looks like the following: Limp, listless, “chilling”. That could be wrong thought, want to be, U.S. researchers are now occupied.

In a study scientists have 600 consumers surveyed , living in States where Cannabis is allowed. Eight out of ten users reported use of the drug before or after exercise , such as Angela Bryan from the University of Colorado Boulder, in a press release, writes of the study. The startling statement: Cannabis would increase your training motivation and the joy of the Sport and the Regeneration will improve . The results of the investigation were published in the English scientific journal “Frontiers in Public Health”.

Cannabis makes not flabby, but fit?

The paper is one of the first that the connection between cannabis studied use and physical activity and the results are surprising: “There is the prejudice that cannabis leads to consumption, people tied up and lazy on your Sofa and not physically active, but these data do not suggest that this is not the case,” explains Bryan. Fears that the legalization of Cannabis could be fueling the lack of exercise and thus the weight problems of Americans, the researcher is not confirmed. Marijuana users are moved according to the survey, even a week for about 43 minutes more, in comparison to non users people.

Also interesting: am I Allowed to consume on holiday in the USA Cannabis?

Cannabis is to make Sport easier, especially for older people

While in the press release of Cannabis not explicitly as a tool for sports is recommended, see the researchers, nevertheless, a Benefit of the Intoxication, especially for the elderly people: “When we are older, starts to hurt the Sport. This is one reason why older adults do not exercise as much,” says Bryan.

“If Cannabis could help pain and inflammation and older adults to be more active, this could be another advantage.” The processes, which the drugs release in the brain, are those of the so-called “Runner’s High” not unlike how a further study will show. This is the phenomenon long-distance runners describe a pain-free and euphoric high feeling and the Feeling to be able to “forever”. This is triggered according to a German study from the year 2015 of the body’s own cannabinoids.

the authors of The study point to the fact that the investigation was limited, since only individuals were interviewed who regularly consume Cannabis and the researchers in the U.S. States of concentrated Cannabis have already legalized. Further research on this subject to be at the University of Colorado Boulder, but already in progress.

also read: If the drug cure – Who gets Cannabis on prescription?


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