shrinks The Church. The Protestants are not spared. Giving up is not an Option. At least not for Martina Buck, pastor of Oberschleißheim.

Oberschleißheim – pastor Martina Buck stands under the colorfully speckled mosaic window, by the spring sun shimmers in the chancel of Trinity Church. For a Moment, you will listen to the bird chirping, the empty upper schleissheimer Church penetrates the ship. Hands in pockets, shrugs the shoulders and says: “Is so.”

The rows of seats under the organ only to high Holy days or special occasions such as Christmas or confirmation complete. The Protestant community in oberschleissheim is, since Buck has taken over in 2006 to well over 200 souls have shrunk to around 1500. This is not the pastor, but on Trend. The Evangelical Church, like the Catholic, to run away in this country for decades, the faithful. “Is so,” says Buck.

The pastor’s wife lives in the midst of your community

but This does not mean that the 51-Year-old of this development. In the meantime, she walked through the small parish kitchen and the community room over to her office and gives an Espresso. Compared to the speed family, Buck “” on the door – the pastor lives there with her husband and two adult children – “ducks”, she says with a smile. The pastor in the midst of their community. So it should be.

“You can grab people,” she says, and SIPS the Cup. Baptisms, weddings, funerals: The “core business”, asked Faith as a companion to the great turning points in life. The first barrel of the schleissheimer Remonte-Bräus has blessed you. At an event for a leukemia the sick boy out of the place, the room was under the triangle roof is Packed full. Buck catches up with the poor, as in the case of a sermon, and for a Moment her voice swells, that you could fill, instead of the offices is also a Church ship: “you, what Church, can be experienced!”

We make our worship services with a lot of love“

Only: The everyday life often looks different. Sometimes, the pastor, comes frustration, if you are raising on Sunday at 10.15 the door to the Church and only 30 visitors in the rows of seats. “We make our worship services with a lot of love,” she says. Several hours of preparation need to be a sermon. “Just believe – that’s not enough today”, is a Buck. It was also kind of a good thing. “I need to think about: What did I say?”

The Evangelical Church in Oberschleißheim is the smallest among the 14 in the Prodekanat München-Nord. And it’s shrinking. Mergers as in the case of the Catholics, says Buck, but the Points are less. “We need to think more in the room.” This means: concerts could take place in future more often in oberschleissheim – thanks to the acoustic, from time to time, the fair will be jointly celebrated in Unterschleißheim.

pastor can pages change quite what to draw

The change that the Church makes, there are good finds Buck. The sponsorship of the kindergarten rainbow house has taken on a special-purpose Association. To lead staff discussions and to consider balance sheets that can Buck teach the children Bible stories and sing with you. And she has more time, the teaching of religion for the Berglwald-elementary school students prepare. “I eventually studied theology, not business,” she says and looks up with a grin on the shelf in your office full of religious treatises and stories.

two of 2018 for a period of six years selected Pfarrräte to the delight of the pastor are only 20 years old, generally will but it is getting harder and harder to find young Volunteers, the long-term engagement in the community. “Many things have become more individual,” says Buck. In some places, practiced contortions in Climbing to the Church tower, or the Bible as a Rap Song set to music does not want to you company, but to inspire young believers. “I don’t think that is the right way,” she says. “The people are not so stupid.” Buck prefers to stay in the “Basics”, as she says, and wants to make the good – close to the people: If one of your sheep to have surgery, she takes the time for individual prayer and light a candle. For a woman of your Profession, the trust in God to us, as well as for the future of their community and the Evangelical Church: “The will as above, it goes.”

also read: the Lord of The seven churches – Martin Ringhof directs giant-parish Association