celebrate the two guys only with your friends your high school graduation. But then, Jack and Nick don’t Wake up.

USA – Sunday morning has changed everything, nothing would be as before. What exactly happened, because no longer can remember the American self. To horrible the events were to quickly everything happened. “To this day, I have experienced everything just a blur,” said Becky Savage. “For the human mind it is impossible to process something so Extreme,” said the mother of four sons against the American TV channel CNN. On the Morning of this Sunday almost four years ago, she found two of her sons lifeless in their beds. Now the mother goes to the Public.

“My last memory”: the most Terrible day in the life of Becky Savage

life The night before, Nick (19) and Jack (18) on different Abi-Partys in South Bend in the state of Indiana. As her mother agreed, they came about half-past one in the Morning with a couple of friends home. Becky Savage was extra remained awake and took the guys in reception. Everything went as planned and nothing Unusual seemed to be happening. While older brother Nick later went to his room, Jack slept with his buddies in the basement.

As her mother the next Morning in Jack’s rooms, some Laundry together, cleaned it up, tried to take their son to Wake up, didn’t move Jack. “He was not responsive. I called 911. I remember how I was screaming calling out for Nick, but he didn’t come to the top,“ she says now, four years after the tragedy. The rescue workers arrived and tried to Jack in his room to revive. Nick and his friends seemed to catch in the basement, none of it. Then one of the paramedics in the basement ran: “I had no idea what they did down there. And then I remember, as you come back up and a coroner’s request. This is my last memory of the day.“

A night that changed everything: “Wrong decision

The two teenagers were declared dead. Both sons had Accidentally took a lethal dose of alcohol and the powerful painkiller oxycodone, an Opioid, to. Someone at the graduation ceremonies must have passed the prescription tablets around. Your boys would have previously never had Trouble with alcohol or drugs. On this evening, but they had made a “wrong decision, the cost, unfortunately, your life”, grieve, Becky Savage.

In the years that followed, the family of Becky, her husband Mike and their two younger sons, Justin and Matthew trying to put her life back somehow in an orderly fashion. After some time, and some of the public Talk about alcohol abuse among Minors, the family of Savage of a way to turn their tragedy into something Positive. Together with her husband, Becky called the “525 Foundation”, named after the Hockey-Jersey-numbers of their boys (Jack’s 5 and Nick’s 25). Through their Foundation, the Savages want to share your story and prevent that “other families have to experience the same pain.”

died In America in the past five years, 200,000 people to a painkiller addiction. A crisis that could even reach Germany. The prescription of opioids is increasing in the Federal Republic of Germany – that is more dangerous than many suspect.

came To a terrible misfortune, it is also a family holiday in Italy: A woman from Switzerland was crushed before the eyes of their children.

A terrible tragedy befell a German family on the island of Tenerife. A family father is said to have killed his wife and his older son. The younger son was able to escape.

In Australia, a youth builds a fatal accident due to a Snapchat video – What your Friends are doing, shocked.
