This summit is supposed to be mainly a Symbol: The EU in times of the Brexits and keeps them in line. Two weeks before the European elections in the 27 member States make courage.

Sibiu – After years of crisis want to send Chancellor Angela Merkel and her colleagues from the EU summit in the Romanian city of Sibiu (hermannstadt), a Signal of unity. The heads of state and government come together on Thursday (12.30 PM) around two weeks before for the community as a pioneering European elections. Romania has at the Moment, the presidency of the EU.

“Declaration of Sibiu” EU fundamental values such as democracy, the rule of law and justice reaffirm

In a “Declaration of Sibiu,” do you want to EU fundamental values such as democracy, the rule of law and justice to affirm. They have committed themselves to the close and fair cooperation, as well as a stronger role for Europe on the world stage. In addition, to be discussed in Sibiu, the “strategic Agenda” for the next five years.

a number of participants also calls for demands for reforms in the Luggage, such as the Austrian Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, the faster decisions, a smaller European Commission and a Revision of the EU treaties. Also the French President, Emmanuel Macron continues to pursue the transformation of the EU and penetrates together with seven other countries to set more ambitious goals in climate protection.

Federal citizens look back with mixed feelings on the EU

How it goes with the EU, it is of interest to the Germans. A still unpublished survey commissioned by the Federal Association of German banks, according to the Federal citizens look back with mixed feelings on the EU, the interest in her is remarkable. 53 percent said that they “hold much” or “very much” of the EU. 40 percent, however, “not so much” or “nothing” of the community of States. Higher than the average approval among young people under 30 (59 percent) and over 70 years of age (67 percent). The survey was available to the German press Agency.

Federal President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier and 20 other heads of state of the EU in a joint appeal to the importance of the upcoming election. Together, they call upon the citizens to attend and also call for “a strong EU capable of acting with common institutions”, such as the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” (Thursday) reported.

German economy calls for the participation in the European election

the German economy Also calls for the participation in the European elections. In a joint statement, the industry Association BDI, the German employers ‘ Association BDA and the German chamber of Commerce and industry tags DIHK, it means that all citizens are called on “to make use of their voting rights”, as the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (Thursday) reported. The European Union for almost 70 years of peace, to further explain the business representatives. That’s why you put “with great passion” for the European Integration and the participation in the European elections.

On the sidelines of the summit in Sibiu, it should also be about the time after the election, as well as the Plan for the occupation of the EU top posts – so, among other things, to the determination of the new President of the European Commission. As the top candidate of the conservative European people’s party, the CSU politician Manfred Weber, opportunities for the Topposten expects. The European election is from the 23. up to the 26. May. In Germany, on the 26th. May chosen.
