Kevin Kühnert provides with other guests at Anne Will of ARD war of words over a possible CO2 tax. On Monday, Sigmar Gabriel responded to the verbal sparring in the collectivization debate.

Update from the 6. May, 10:38 PM: On Sunday night, has responded Kühnert in the case of “Anne” on the criticism of the Ex-SPD chief Sigmar Gabriel: He doesn’t know if Gabriel was the best consultant, in the assessment of whether someone is on an Ego-Trip or not. And already on Monday morning, the tit for tat of Gabriel in the picture-Talk Format follows “The right questions.”

Gabriel could understand that a Juso-Chairman to represent radical opinions, the is the right. The Hype about the Juso-in-chief not to meet but on the SPD. If Kühnerts statements not more then but still so much attention, that the Chairman of the works Council of BMW and Daimler hold the SPD to be selectable, then you need to Kühnert and his statements. And, therefore, had adopted Gabriel on the topic: “It had to kick him a counter – which I have done.”

Further, he said derBild: “In the time that I was in the SPD Chairman, have we had in any case no works Council Chairman, who publicly declare that you must not select the SPD. He (Kevin Kühnert, Anm.) obviously has never talked to a works Council.“

“Anne Will” (ARD): Kühnert, BMW and Gabriel kanzelt mercilessly from

Update from the 5. May, 23: 00: it Needs a CO2 tax and who should pay for what? The were with Anne on Sunday evening, the crucial questions. Came right at the beginning of the ARD Talks to a fierce dispute between the CDU-politician Michael Kretschmer and Juso-Chairman Kevin Kühnert. This Kühnerts floated, especially recently expressed Thesis, it should have the fours BMW and other companies government, about the show.

Also interesting: Kühnerts theses to real estate and residential property were also in the “Hard but Fair” on 7. May Theme. The Left, Oskar Lafontaine defended Kühnerts ideas, to the debate escalated.

“I had to listen to Yes in the last few days, the market would work as well,” said Kühnert in terms of its controversial Collectivize theses. That Kretschmer would still believe that the market would regulate everything, found Kühnert incomprehensible. Kretschmer spoke then quickly into a Rage: “If you want to have socialism, if you please! I have experienced socialism.“ And socialism had the effect, among other things, strong climate damage. “I find it impossible to bring the people in Germany”, the CDU-politician.

To Collectivize debate: Kühnert shares at Anne Wants to against Sigmar Gabriel and BMW

Kühnert Kretschmers GDR, described the comparisons as “disgraceful”. On his demand the collectivization of corporations such as BMW Kühnert expectation was raised by the presenter Anne Will. In the face of criticism from the own ranks Anne wanted to know Kühnert: “How much you have hurt with these statements in the SPD?” Kühnert was no way that his statements have a negative impact on his party, but took a sweeping blow against his critics. In particular, Sigmar Gabriel, had accused Kühnert Trump-methods and self-presentation, not criticized Kühnert: “Sigmar Gabriel, I don’t know if he is now the best adviser to evaluate whether or not someone makes an Ego-Trip somewhere, or not.”

see also: trump’s foreign Minister, Merkel says – Now the reason is clear

Kühnert also responded to the rejection of his ideas by the BMW works Council chief Manfred Schoch. Schoch had rejected the proposal for the nationalization of corporations as “incomprehensible”. “For the workers of the German company, this SPD is not selectable”, Schoch said the magazine “economic week”. “I do not know that about the Deutsche Bahn would be such a great role model. I recommend Mr Kühnert and his supporters to go out in the SPD, first time in the school, and to learn how the economy works.”

Kühnert countered in the talk show, this is one attack on him in all clarity: The SPD, the trade unions were traditionally very close and would work closely with you, the Juso-in-chief at Anne Will. Schoch, a leader for IG Metall, the works Council, knew this. The IG Metall Union said in its Statute in a prominent place for a socialization of large corporations. At the BMW works Council chief directed, he said: “therefore, the question is, who deviates here from the statutes of its respective organization presents itself – he or me.”

Kühnert and Kretschmer fall into each other’s word – Anne Wants simple

Later in the show, the battle of words between Kühnert and Kretschmer degenerated in such a way that the two politicians were only each other and at the same time, according to the strength of your propositions expressed. Anne Will had to intervene: “If you are talking about here so confused, means nothing at all,” said the presenter. However, Kühnert was unaware of any wrongdoing, but justified himself for his vociferous against speech: “He now has long enough of his empty words let out, it’s enough now”, so Kühnert. Then: “no, Kretschmer has only told his opinion.” As was to be expected, it also came to the end of the programme, no agreement in this heated debate.

initial message: Kühnert’s guest Anne

Berlin Wants to – After a three-week break, presenter Anne reports on Sunday, the 05. May to 21:45 clock with the ARD talk show. The reason for the extended Easter holidays, was that only 30 broadcasts of “Anne Will be produced” per year, and the Talk Show can not, therefore, to run every Sunday.

this is on Sunday evening at “Anne Kühnert

.” This Sunday, discussed the presenter with five invited guests on a topic that is currently debated issue: The possible introduction of a CO2 tax The coalition government is currently discussing about a possible CO2 tax about Diesel, heating oil and gasoline. Also, many of the citizens of the CO2-tax is not cold, some fear that the costs of climate protection.

further points to a possible CO2 tax are in dispute: Can be designed as a levy on social? What are the consequences of a CO2 tax for consumers? And would such a tax ever to lower CO2 emissions?

These are the questions political Talkerin Anne Will discuss on Sunday evening with the following guests:

Anne Wants on Sunday: Kühnert and other guests to discuss on the topic of CO2-tax

Michael Kretschmer (CDU Prime Minister of Saxony), Anna Lena Baerbock (Alliance 90/The Greens, party Chairman) Kevin Kühnert (SPD, Federal Chairman of Jusos), Maja Göpel (Secretary-General of the German Advisory Council on global change) Ioannis Sakkaros (the Initiator of the yellow West-protests in Stuttgart)

At “Inas Nacht” showed the otherwise very businesslike occurring Anne recently emotionally: all of a Sudden the presenter had tears in my eyes.
