It is the dream of every lottery player: A ticket to the Mega Jackpot. A US-Americans now had this luck and had to make a tough decision.

Milwaukee, USA – He is 24 years old and financially for the Rest of his life. More: Manuel Franco can afford to dispense with $ 291 million.

The story is curious: Franco, the cracked the the third-largest Jackpot in U.S. history, would have overlooked the going on to his new life almost. The right lottery ticket “Powerball”lottery is firmly stuck to another bill. Just by chance he noticed it after he had checked the other tip notes. Profit exceeds all expectations: 768 million dollars. Had he invested for the tip tickets only ten dollars.

read on*: Lotto winner do not look for a week on your tip-note – she almost missed her huge asset

USA: The state conceded 151 million dollars in taxes from the lottery winning

Franco had a choice whether he wanted to get the full profit in Installments over 29 years to pay off – or prefer to 477 million dollars directly. After careful Consideration, he opted for the one-time payment, and therefore decided not to more than a third of the profit, namely $ 291 million. After taxes is still an astronomically high sum for him to stay 326 million Dollar.

Franco also shows a big spender: the $ 100,000 he wants to give to the local gas station, which he had bought at the end of March the ticket to the Jackpot.

In Hamburg there came the lottery for the first Sensation of the year. A woman to be an overnight millionaire, and in a curious way, as* reported

USA: lottery winner recalls: “I started to scream”

A law in Wisconsin that lottery winners may remain anonymous. So Franco had to present in a press conference to the Public. There, he told me that he had quit his Job: “I just could not work. I have incredibly sweaty – my colleagues have noticed. I would have told you something from the profit. But am I not just gone to work.”

He remembered the press conference at the Moment, as he realized that he has the right Numbers. “My heart began to race, my blood got pumping, I was hot. I started to scream.”

A small error is of the Faber-lottery to be expensive: you had to be 20 Times more pay than planned – and over 300 people were richly blessed.

for Almost a year the lottery was a note of a couple from Canada lost. Particularly annoying, because this was a Million canadian dollars. But then, there was an incredible coincidence.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network