parties tombs at Celtic hills? Or is it a lot of smoke about nothing? A colorful besprühter trailer in the forest, from the noise and smells, makes for Trouble.

Icking – Already last year, the caravan stood at the edge of the forest behind the high school below an arable area in the direction of Deer dwell. One of the competent hunting farmer reported in an interview with our newspaper that he found in the place, only broken bottles, but also clear the smell of THC (Cannabis/hashish) have noticed.

the owner of The forest area, withdrew the short-term permission. Since about half a year the trailer is a bit further above in the forest, directly adjacent to the site of the gymnasium.

The trailer has organized Philipp Geiger for his son Felix. The 15-Year-old is completely unjustified in the criticism: “We have prepared with a group of about ten people in this trailer. Because there are in the municipality, unfortunately, nothing, where young people can meet.“ It was an insanely cool project to take care of on your own location and equipment of mobile youth clubs. The current location belongs to the forest of another Ickinger farmer. The latter had agreed to the use of the site caravan as a youth club. He was not reached for comment, unfortunately.

Sharp criticism from the neighborhood

In the neighbourhood of the trailer is not seen, however. There was sharp criticism that can understand Felix Geiger. He was in the beginning with some of the residents: “Since we were maybe a bit too loud, but actually there were no problems.”

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On the first Easter weekend, however, the Situation escalated. “Unknown to us, have wrecked in the night the cars, and wild paint all over,” says Felix. Also, broken bottles and cigarette had to tilt around. He himself was out of town, but out of consideration for the neighbors, I quickly made a squad on the way to eliminate the Chaos. “We were of course shocked at first. It was clear to us that, even if we don’t have it caused, a negative impact on us.“ His group, all between 15 and 16 years old, was predominantly from non-smokers. “Clearly, we enjoy our space, where we can place the feet on the table,” says Felix. “But we don’t riot.” Alcohol games you do not have a role. The question of THC, he has decided, “I put my Hand into the fire. A Joint a Smoking has never been. Certainly not.“ Whether or not you will file a complaint for damage to property, he and his friends reached the final decision.

forest area has historical significance

in the Meantime, the complaints are treated in the Ickinger town hall. A local resident made about the noise pollution, in addition to the historical importance of the forest area carefully.

Supposedly Celtic hill graves are located there. In this regard, it should monuments, the entries in the land in the municipal area. Department head Cornelia Zechmeister addiction, meanwhile, is in conversation with the interested Parties, a constructive solution: “We have asked that the location of the adolescents is not used, and we try to find in your interest in a permit-proof solution.” It is also a conversation with the district office was planned.

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Felix discussed wishes for only one thing: “that we quickly find a suitable place”. On a private site with access to sanitary facilities. “That would be a dream.”


The latest crime statistics revealed: number of crimes in the district.