The starzel Bach municipality and its districts, and will remain, a safe place. This is the review pulled Germerings police-chiefs Jürgen three ochre and Andreas Ruch at the presentation of the crime statistics for the past year – even if the number of crimes has increased.

Alling – 2018, the investigators were 88 actions in Alling. A year before 48. The increase is the investigator justified in the first place, with scuffles at the numerous festivals in the starzel Creek community. But also the cases of domestic violence had increased.

Alling is still considered to be very safe and secure commune, a glance at the so-called frequency number. It indicates how many criminal offences there are a projected 100 000 inhabitants. In Alling is located at 2255. For comparison: In the Large County town of Germering, the number 3493 is, in the capital city of Berlin, it is even 13 746.

Not quite so sure when it comes to the topic of traffic on the roads. For example, the B 2 in the municipal area is regarded as a so-called accident an accumulation point. There, it has crashed in the past year, a total of 39 Times. In 2016, the Germering officials were counting on this section, only 23 accidents.

dubious leader is Alling in the case of the wild accidents. The police registered in Germering 36 between cases with animals, it was in Alling and its districts 48 collisions with four-legged friends. Overall, in the last year, in Alling 115 accidents.