thousands Dead in the Mediterranean – the captain of the “Lifeline”, the Bayer Claus-Peter Reisch, wants to prevent that. On Tuesday a court in Malta, a judgment.

Update from the 13. May 2019: In the trial of the captain of a migrant rescue ship, the auxiliary organization’s Mission Lifeline is expected to fall on Tuesday (11.00 PM), on Malta, the judgment. Claus-Peter Reisch from Landsberg am Lech is accused of last summer, a properly registered boat controlled.

Reisch had recovered in June 2018, with the ship in “Lifeline” in front of Libya around 230 migrants from the Mediterranean sea. For days the ship was blocked, the fleet under the Dutch flag. It was only allowed to invest in Malta, after several EU countries had promised to take the refugees. The ship is not allowed to leak since then. “Of course we hope for an acquittal and the return of our ship,” said Lifeline spokesman Axel Steiner.

Private Maritime search and rescue see behind the legal investigation, a political campaign, to complicate the rescue of migrants and the criminalisation of NGOs.

“Can the can but not drowning”: This Bayer controls the refugee ship’s “Lifeline”

Munich – The Mediterranean as a mass grave: Alone have drowned this year roughly 1000 refugees therein. Without the rescue of ships of the auxiliary organizations, the number of victims would be much higher. Nevertheless, the criticism of the so-called NGOs – the acronym stands for non-governmental organizations. Italy and France do not throw on these government organisations, to play the criminal Smugglers in the hands.

“You can leave but do not drown”

be a “Taxi-service for tractors and migrants” … Italy’s new interior Minister, Matteo Salvini. An accusation that Claus-Peter Reisch sharp. The volunteer captain controls the German rescue vessel Lifeline, which is since the days at the focal point of the action in the Mediterranean. In Malta, he was interrogated several times, because he had, allegedly, on the instructions of the Italian authorities and in front of the Libyan coast, refugees from the sea fished. We explain what concerns the life-saver from Landsberg am Lech.

also read: After a dramatic cry for help: German ship with migrants in Malta

14 years Ago, made Reisch on the Starnberger see his yacht slip. But until the Winter of 2016, he came up with the idea, with an extended Patent as a sea-captain on a refugee ship to hire. Deeply touched by the drama that took place at that time, already in the Mediterranean, he came to a simple conclusion: “You can leave but not just drowning.”

He does not want to be on a par with Smugglers, made

namely, the 57-Year-old, would you stand on a level with the Smugglers, who take advantage of people despising the desperation of the refugees. “The hose or wooden boats, using them to escape over the Mediterranean sea, are One-Way boats, so the condition not to return, or even for a safe arrival equipped: with three cans of gasoline, which would be far from sufficient for the 200 nautical miles that must be traveled,” said Reisch, the Augsburger Allgemeine.

in the Meantime, Reisch, who runs a company in the installation and sanitary area, on his fifth rescue mission – volunteer, as he emphasized. Flight and equipment he paid for.

Reisch is before the court

Now to Reisch are before the court: misconduct in connection with the registration of the ship he is accused of, such as the law of Malta Neil Falzon of the Dresden organization’s Mission Lifeline assistance announced on Thursday. Court date was on Monday.

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