Not all of it is part of the daily morning Ritual: fresh underwear to put on. A survey has revealed, as it is the Hygiene of the German really ordered.
Breakfast, showers, dressed and off to work – or so the way to Start the day running for many. A representative survey of the Institute revealed now, how big or small the German writing in the morning Hygiene.
Rare fresh underwear, even more rarely, fresh socks
a third of over 1,000 respondents had not specified, replace in the morning, the dirty underwear always fresh . The socks even fewer people value even the cleanliness of the hotel, with 46% of respondents refrain, therefore, on fresh socks in the Morning.
Also in terms of brushing teeth, a shockingly large number to brush in the morning, the teeth. How many don’t in fact on the morning of brushes, watch the Video :
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jg / glomex