Chancellor Merkel shows great concern for the future of the EU, and stresses a more increased feeling of responsibility for Europe. If Merkel has her chancellorship, but still different.

Update 15. May 2019, 22.37 PM : In your large SZ-Interview, Chancellor Angela Merkel referred to in a sweeping blow to a number of issues. Whether it’s European elections and the leading candidate, Manfred Weber, or their relationship to the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. And also had one of the most far-reaching decisions of their term in office, Angela Merkel has something to say: their decision in the issue of the refugees.

Angela Merkel said in retrospect: “it is not or else we Would have traded in the Euro-crisis and the refugee crisis, would have had, in my opinion, very much worse consequences than some of the problems of today.”

in Accordance with the decisions-for example, because the hard Austerity measures for Greece was also, and especially, Angela Merkel, especially abroad, violently attacked. In Terms of refugee crisis, she was then alone have been accused of. The Chancellor said: “these are not decisions that arise on the drawing Board, but answers to the real life.” Your view of things: Worldwide, nearly 70 million people are on the run because he’s “deal in Europe with well over a Million of them”. The Chancellor is also clear, however, that this would have caused tensions in Germany. But: “must be played”.

However, the Chancellor admitted, that these two crises have gone to your “substance”. And in terms of financial crisis, were the reforms necessary, but Merkel also knows that “the burden for the population was considerably”.

Angela Merkel to Brussels? The Chancellor assumes the EU Post?

Berlin – German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has heated up with Comments about their increased sense of responsibility for Europe, speculation about a change to a key EU Post. In an Interview with the “süddeutsche Zeitung” (Thursday) announced that Merkel, in the future, with even greater dedication than before for the future of Europe.

“a Lot of Worry about Europe, I do. This results in a even heightened sense of responsibility to take care of me together with other to the fate of this Europe with me.“ At the same time, Merkel implored her good relationship with the French President, Emmanuel Macron.

Merkel for EU Posts in position?

Macron is expected after the European elections on may 26. May, in addition to Merkel a key role in the distribution of EU top posts, play. EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker had recently made it clear that he considers it conceivable that Angela Merkel takes over after her time as Chancellor, a role at the European level. “I can’t imagine that Angela Merkel will disappear in the woodwork,” he said at the end of April, the Funke media group. “Not only is she a person of respect, but a lovely work of art.” With a view to a possible EU-office of Merkel, he added: “highly qualified, you would be.”

the speculation that Merkel is usually associated as a possible successor to EU Council President Donald Tusk to the game on the Post, you could contribute as a facilitator of their great experience.

Although Merkel admitted in the “süddeutsche Zeitung” disagreements with Macron, she sees your relationship unencumbered. “Certainly, we are wrestling each other. There are differences in mentality between us, as well as differences in the understanding of one’s role.“ That was with the previous President. Nevertheless, Germany and France agreed “in the big lines, of course,” and would always be compromises. “So we are doing a lot for Europe even today.” On the question of whether or worse your relationship with Macron in the past few months, replied Merkel: “no. Not at all.“

+ Merkel emphasizes the increased sense of responsibility for Europe.©dpa / Michael Kappeler

Merkel does not want to be as EU-Bremserin seen

The Chancellor also rejected the accusation that they set compared to Macron less Europe political momentum, he is regarded as a Reformer, as Bremserin. “We always find a middle,” she said. As an example, Merkel cited the “enormous progress” in the defense policy. You’ve decided to develop a fighter plane and a tank. “It is, however, a large mutual compliment and a sign of confidence, if you leave in the defence policy-more closely.”

Macron was not so long active in the political process as you said the Chancellor – he’ll bring “kind of a little bit of perspective from the outside. It is good when we see our Europe from different angles.“ At the same time, she warned, if we “could no longer justify Europe’s future-oriented, would also work for Peace in quicker in danger than you think”.

Merkel admits differences in terms of content with Weber

The Chancellor also referred to the differences in the Offices and political cultures. “I am obliged to the Chancellor of a coalition government and the Parliament are much stronger than the French President, is not allowed to enter the national Assembly at all,” said Merkel. “But in the core questions – what are the latest developments of Europe, the economy, what responsibility do we bear for the climate and for Africa – we are on a very similar wavelength.” This was not the case in the question, “where are we, where appropriate, is independent of the United States to act, even if I wish for such situations, actually”.

On the question of whether they would prefer to see the top candidates of the European people’s party (EPP), the CSU politician Manfred Weber, President of the EU Commission or the German Federal Bank President Jens Weidmann as President of the European Central Bank, Merkel said: “This is the Alternative I don’t argue.” You use now for Weber as President of the Commission. “This does not exclude that Germany has other outstanding personalities for other Offices.” Also, the CDU and CSU belong to the EPP.

At the same time, the Chancellor acknowledged differences in terms of content with Weber, for instance in its rejection of the controversial Nord Stream Baltic sea pipeline 2. Weber come here “from a pan-European perspective to another solution” as you. “My perspective is a German-and European-compatible perspective.” Unlike Weber, Merkel has called for the immediate dismantling of the EU accession negotiations with Turkey. Although the recent events, after the local elections were “a membership of Turkey,” not likely. On the other hand, she noted with a view on Syria and the Islamist terrorist on “common interests”.
