The concerns of the hemp oil has removed dm – in contrast to the Rossmann – apparently. However, it is not that simple.

Update 14. May 2019: After only a month, the dm shall be a CBD-hemp oil back on the shelves. First of all, the Online magazine, CHIP reported. We have determined, after Review, the 5-percent CBD Oil back to offer – also in the Online Shop, said a spokeswoman for our editorial staff. However, not why.

but that is the interesting question. The grey area has not cleared since then, the seller and the buyer move in Germany, if you want to buy products that Cannabidiol, CBD. This shows already the fact that the police responded differently by each Federal state on products with CBD. CBD is obtained as THC from the female cannabis plant that has no intoxicating effect, but apparently health-promoting. So why this confusion?

CBD, is not approved in Germany

In a post on the ARD television programme Report Mainz, it is clear that not only the proportion of the intoxicating THC in products plays a role. With respect to the transmitter, the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety (BVL), reports that CBD is standing in the so-called Novel Food catalogue of the EU. It was therefore applicable as a novel food and therefore need a special approval – this had not previously been done in Germany, according to the BVL.

dm does not want to justify the decision

In the contribution a provider of CBD Oil argued that although selling is not a isolate, but an extract of the whole Plant – in the approval question, it is to get lost in Details. Angela Clausen from the consumer rating compared to the ARD precisely this aspect, however, is contrary. On demand of our Ippen-Digital Central office, what reasoning have led dm to the Oil now and again offer is not received by the company.

dm have to do without customers in the future on another of the popular product. The last stocks are already nearly sold out and will be replaced by an Alternative.

Legal concerns: dm and Rossmann pull in case of product emergency

initial meld of 30. April 2019: Until a few months ago the CBD Oil was part of the ranges in dm and Rossmann. Now, the drugstores, the Cannabis is to be deleted product.

This is the name-giving ingredient Cannabidiol, CBD. The legislature has not declared to be legal, which is why dm and Rossmann move with the sale of CBD products in a legal grey zone.

dm/Rossmann: raids on hemp shops lead to a sell stop

“We legally check at the moment, the developments in relation to the sale of CBD Oils,” said dm-managing Director, Sebastian Bayer compared to Neon. You are standing in relation to this topic, also in close collaboration with its industry partner, Bayer.

The concerns that led to the stopping of sales, apparently by raids on hemp shops. There Cannabis may be selling products that have a THC content below 0.2. The CBD products that are sold in drugstores some.

dm/Rossmann: Other Cannabis products continue to be in the range

a product Has a THC value that is higher than 0.2, it must not be sold. For personal use only products under this limit are also legal.

On this Information, dm and Rossmann responded to by deletion of the CBD Oil from their product ranges. However, Cannabis products in the dm store. This includes, among other things, Cannabis chewing gum containing five milligrams of CBD, and CBD-soft capsules.

These products contain no THC. For this reason, you have no addictive effect and also not high. Nevertheless, in the case of dm of purchased Cannabis was seized-chewing gum directly from the police.

Recently, dm advertises under the slogan #spring feelings with a “toy” for adults and for excitement in the network. How would you explain this to the children, the Tenor of concerned parents.

another very popular product has dm thrown also from the range. New at the drugstore a product that is intended to protect against K. O.-drops.
