On the journey can happen something unexpected: it is, Therefore, as a motorist is important to always have certain items.

As with so many things you only notice in the case of the cases, what one has forgotten, to take with you – this applies both for the holidays as well as for the car ride. Certain items everyone should carry in vehicle – and you can master most situations.

by car: Seasonal accessories that must be

Depending on the Season miscellaneous car accessories belongs to the necessary equipment. In the Winter, definitely ice scraper and de-icer handle to be ready. Otherwise, it may be that you do not have to look through more and help others in need.

some moves during the summer, the Start aid kit in the Garage. While it is true that in Winter, the vehicles in icy temperatures Often do not want to jump, but the battery can age give up due to every Season of the spirit. So who wants to be on the safe side, you should have the Set.

What must be in the car: These things are required by law

In Germany it is required by law, first aid kit to carry. The equipment for police control, there can be a fine of five euros. Also, the TÜV noted a missing or an expired first-aid box in the main study as a minor defect. The first-aid box must correspond to the Norm DIN 13164.

Also prevails in Germany, according to road traffic licensing regulations (§ 53a StVZO) safety vest requirement . Since 2014, all Trucks, Cars, buses, and tractors must have a safety vest to carry. Who has not, you will have to pay a penalty of 15 Euro. Similarly, in the case of a non-existing warning triangle .

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In the car, take What is useful

For those of you that can assess your tank is bad or don’t know when the next gas station, it take useful fuel in the reserve cans . Also there are clear rules. According to the ADAC reserve canisters shall not exceed, in Germany, the total quantity of 60 Liter. For safety reasons, it is recommended that not more than ten litres of carry, and the canister is far from the inmates removed in the trunk store. The canister must also comply with the DIN standard 7274 or 16904, which means that he must sealing, locking, and breaking to be sure.

In the rarest of cases, it comes to, that a tyre is damaged during the journey. This is the case, it is useful to have a spare tire . To be able to self-assemble, and should be carried in addition, a crossed circle and a small car Jack. Otherwise, it can be called in the event of a breakdown, the breakdown service, the schlepping of the vehicle.

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