30 years Ago, the Chinese Zhang Jian protested in Beijing against the Regime – now has died under mysterious circumstances after an emergency landing at Munich airport. It is a insidious job-killing?

Update 16.50: After the death of a Chinese patient in the hospital in Freising, the public Prosecutor’s office in Landshut can be the cause of death to investigate. Now, Toxicological examinations were to be held after the autopsy yet, said chief Prosecutor Thomas Steinkraus-Koch on Wednesday. “It may take until we have a result,” he said. “At the moment we have no indication of a criminal Offence.”

a Mysterious death after emergency landing at Munich airport – this is a job-killing?

Freising/Landshut – The machine was in April on the way from Oman to Paris. During the flight, a 48-year-old passenger fell ill so heavy that the Pilot requested a special landing in the Erdinger Moos in Germany’s second largest airport, nothing out of the ordinary. The Patient was immediately admitted to the hospital of Freising in. He died there at the end of last month.

emergency landing at Munich airport: the Chinese dies in the hospital of Freising

The doctor sat cleared his cross with “cause of death”. The criminal investigation Erding and the public Prosecutor’s office in Landshut, came into the game. But who they had on there, had no idea the investigators to this point. With the name of the dead man, Zhang Jian, could you start at the beginning, nothing. The corpse was examined.

Thomas Rauscher, a spokesman for the Prosecutor’s office in Landshut, said to our newspaper: “The man died of blood poisoning, which had attacked several organs irreversible.” For the authorities the case was done. “We have released the body for burial.

notes on order of murder: a Chinese Dissident poisoned?

But just before the final farewell, a whistleblower reported. He should come out of the circle of the family of the dead. According to Rauscher Chinese exiles believe that the 48-Year-old could have been murdered. Because it is according to “mirror” the former Chinese dissident Zhang Jian.

The both-the 18-Year-old in June 1989 in the case of the bloody quelling of protests at the square of Heavenly peace in Beijing – in a leading role on the side of the protesters against the Regime. Be environment, Rauscher, believes that this story may have caught up with Zhang now by a poison attack.

massacre by the military: Deceased Chinese protested against the Regime

In the case of the Tian’anmen massacre had tried the Chinese military, the protests of the population, especially by students who had fought for democratization, by force to suppress it. The picture of a Student against a tank, has written world history. For the Landshut public Prosecutor’s office it had to go fast now. “We have immediately ordered the seizure of the mortal Remains directly to the funeral Director,” said the spokesman.

Munich airport: land court should order new autopsy was Chinese murdered?

Now, the district court must decide in the lower Bavarian capital for a new autopsy. “At the Moment we are still not a crime, but from an unexplained cause of death,” says Rauscher. The notes you take, but seriously. The public Prosecutor assumes, that the result is available in several weeks.

death in Freising: Chinese Dissident probably not the first victim?

The “mirror” said Huang Ciping, Director of the Wei Jingsheng Foundation in Washington, there have been several deaths of Chinese dissidents, who were previously suffering from the liver. Also in the case of Zhang, a liver abscess was found.

the aim of the new autopsy will be toxic residues or to search for radioactive contamination. Shows, whether from the death investigation of a case, the method is for the Erdinger homicide. Huang Ciping said it was a “disturbing case”.

More news from the Munich airport

The police according to Athanasios Terlepanis. The 55-Year-old wanted to fly with his sister to Greece. Suddenly, he disappeared at the airport in Munich.

Also the famous “Thor”actor has died. He was only 42 years old.

Meanwhile, Josef S. has other Worries. The Munich-based lives for a good four months at the Munich airport. Actually, the homeless guy wants to move in with his family to Thailand. To get married there, it lacks an important document. As long as he has not this, he would like to endure.

A murder case occupied the court of Munich II. A mother should have encouraged her son to slay the father with a dumbbell, reported Merkur.de*.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.