The ARD has changed in the short term Will the theme of today’s “Anne”show. The reason is the “Ibiza-affair”, the beats currently in Austria high waves.

Actually wanted to presenter Anne Will in the ARD talk show on Sunday, the 19. May, with your guests about the upcoming European elections to discuss. The political quake that rocked, currently Austria, prompted the ARD, to change the topic of the program in the short term, as the station announced.

“Anne Will” to “Ibiza-affair”: How is it in Austria?

Background for the change of plan is the “Ibiza-affair”, which has caused one of the biggest political scandals in Austria: A secretly-filmed Video had been released of The mirror and the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper suggests that Vice-Chancellor and FPÖ-leader Heinz-Christian Strache in 2017, a supposedly rich Russian public contracts in return for campaign help, the prospect of had asked. The consequences of the video for the Austrian government are fatal: Strache, resigned from all his Offices, and the Chancellor Sebastian announced Shortly as a consequence of new elections.

presenter Anne will, therefore, on Sunday, at 21:45 instead of the European elections, the future of the Austrian government to address. The publication of the video material was legal? What are the consequences of the affair for the European right only a week before the European election? Elections in Austria are a damper for the European Right? These questions will Anne Will discuss with the following guests.

Anne Will (ARD): The are the guests of today’s program

Manfred Weber (CSU) :-Chairman of the EPP group in the European Parliament, top candidate for the European elections Katarina Barley (SPD) : the Federal justice Minister and top candidate for the European elections Jörg Meuthen (AfD) : party Chairman, member of the European Parliament and top candidate for the European elections Ska Keller (Alliance 90/The Greens) : – Chairman of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament and top candidate for the European elections Martin Knob : head of desSpiegel-capital, offices, he researched in the “Ibiza-affair” to Strache

Also last Sunday there was a short-term plan amendment in the ARD talk show “Anne Will”: The shipment did not take place at all – from the curious reason. In turn, a week earlier, Anne Wants to Juso had to Chef Kevin Kühnert rein, who had previously shot sharply against BMW and Gabriel.
