Are you one of those people who don’t try to do anything artistic because you believe that you aren’t talented or don’t have the needed skills? How many times do we hear people say “I can’t even draw a straight line.”

Actually, you don’t need special skills or abilities to enjoy creative pursuits. Being creative isn’t a jackpot casino lucky break – you can be creative even when you don’t feel that you’re particularly talented or artistic. It’s all about finding a medium that you enjoy, practicing that new endeavor and having fun.

Some tips for the budding artists:


Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. You don’t have to try to become the new Michaelangelo or Leonardo DiVinci to create something meaningful and enjoy the process of the creation. Art is different things to different people and you can still have fun with your art, even if you don’t become “an artist” or sell anything. 

View the process of creating a new piece – be it something completely original or needlepointing a pre-stamped photo on a canvas – as a hobby and a way to relax. If you start out by comparing your work to others, you’ll only be disappointed.

Try Abstract

Abstract is an easy way for people to start exploring their creativity. Abstract painting isn’t for everyone, especially those who prefer traditional works of art. But it’s a great medium to explore when you’re starting out, regardless of the final art medium that you choose. You may find that you actually like it!

Many people associate abstract art with unrecognizable representations that make them say “my kid could paint that!”. Whether or not that’s true is a matter of taste but most people find that they enjoy the process, especially at the beginning of their art journey. 

Get your canvas and start with a circle, square or triangle. Add lines and shapes, splashes of funky colors and anything else that you feel like. It doesn’t have to “mean” anything, though professional artists would probably not agree. For you, however, the point isn’t the finished product but rather the process. So go for it.

If you want to move forward, add some simple forms and use those as basic shapes to form the core of the painting. Then add on, as you see fit. Don’t feel the need to rush into an elaborate subject….start simple and work up.

Mixed Media

Mixed media refers to utilizing a combination of artistic mediums. It can be a lot of fun and can help you hide any imperfections in your work. Basically, you just stick a collage over parts of a painting that you don’t like and – voila – it’s a whole new work. 

There are no real tricks to mixed media. You can use whatever you like – small materials, old buttons, bits of string, pictures from magazines, etc.

It’s basically scrapbooking but with more of an artistic flare and can get your creative juices moving for a new type of expression.  


Creating something doesn’t have to be limited to what you can hang on a wall. Maybe you have a lot of knowledge about something and want to build a website to pass your knowledge on to others. There are plenty of do-it-yourself web-building platforms which may not be the hottest thing in HTML tech, but will allow you to add text, photos, videos and other media in a way that give s you a feeling of accomplishment. 

Consider your cooking as an artistic endeavor.  Feeding the people that you love – or even strangers who will enjoy a well-thought-out meal – can be a very fulfilling feeling. You have the ability to take a basic recipe and add to it, subtract from it, embellish it, pair different side dishes, etc.  Or you can create a whole new dish on your own. 

Art isn’t only for viewing.


Artists who work in the fine arts tend to regard artisans as “craftspeople” but who cares? Without getting involved in the argument, which has been going on for centuries, for your purposes, creating an object that can be used is a perfect way to express your creativity.

You can take a class to learn a new skill such as ceramics, knitting, crocheting, weaving or jewelry-making. Or you can get the basic materials and try something on your own.

Don’t forget craft-kits. It’s not “cheating” to buy a craft kit and start out there. There are embroidery kits, needlepoint kits, candle-making kits, beer-making kits and more. There’s nothing more relaxing than sitting down to watch TV while you embroider a tablecloth that has a pre-stamped pattern and at the end of the project, you have a beautiful tablecloth for your table!

Find Friends

Unless you specifically want to work on your own, you may very well find that it’s more satisfying and fun to join with others and work together. Perhaps you want to do a joint project or maybe you can just have a good time sitting together while you each work on your own project.

You can share ideas and insights, encourage your co-creators and get their feedback on your own work and simply benefit from being in the company of others who are pursuing the same types of creative activities as you.  There’s a reason that knitting clubs are so popular….the members of these groups are generally anything bur amateurs but they are open to sharing their knowledge with new members and old-timers alike, making it a more enjoyable experience for all. 

Everyone has some creative juices in them that they want to let out. The only thing stopping them is their inhibitions. Bury your inhibitions and get going!