With a questionable Expression of a FDP-man-from Landshut, caused a scandal. Now party colleagues are calling for his resignation.

Landshut – of all people, a Liberal, made recently for a scandal: He slurred with a questionable statement in the autumn for the first Time in Landshut, Germany to be held Christopher Street Day Parade (CSD).

The Landshut Prosecutor, Albrecht the schoellhorn-Gaar (FDP) said in the survey, the Landshuter Zeitung (LZ), that “so gay stuff have no place in us”. In addition, he says, “if something colorful is called for in our humble province, I believe”.

Landshuter FDP-man makes for a head: party colleagues are calling for his resignation

This statement is made not only in the social networks, but also in the own ranks of the party for plenty of outrage. The Landshut district Executive is now calling in addition to an apology to his resignation.

“We distance ourselves together with our Chairman Lorenz Hörmann, the district Chairman, Norbert Hoffmann, and the other Deputy Chairman of the FDP Landshut-city of the statements,” write the young liberals (JuLis) Landshut on your Facebook page.

“We strongly condemn the Remarks in the strongest possible terms and call on him to apologize immediately to the public, the people, need to feel this deeply degraded, for this derailment.” You can also call, “his office as a member of the FDP district Executive immediately to resign”. The free Democrats, stood for self-determination and tolerance. The Comments of your FDP-member, Albrecht the schoellhorn-Gaar “contrary to all reason, for we stand for as a Liberal, and in the FDP no place”.

also read : For the past ten years, the Pink Stick at the Karl-Heinrich-Ulrichs-is out of place in the Glockenbachviertel. The Maypole is the Pride of the scene, but now Unknown signs have been stolen.

Landshuter FDP-man makes for a head: “Got me a stupid raised”

The Facebook users praise the “unique positioning”, says Bernd M.. Benjamin B. finds it “nice that you relates to such a clear Position.” To this end, he posts a picture of a rainbow flag, which is, among other things, a symbol of renewal, change and peace, and as a sign of tolerance and acceptance.

Christopher Street Day is this year for the first Time in Landshut celebrated. In Munich, Berlin and Hamburg of thousands of people for years through the streets in colorful Outfits and with a powerful in a good mood. It was recently in Munich policy-Trouble at the Parade: The member of the Landtag Claudia tribe (47, Mut) had allegedly been a police officer injured – the state office of criminal investigation determined.

To the LZ was schoellhorn-Gaar “contrite”: “It is clear that I have been stupid. My opinion came out wrong,“ he says to the daily newspaper. With the CSD of the thing to be proved, in fact, a disservice. “The real Gays and lesbians, only a few are there, I believe. The move is mainly carried out by activists amateurish and political circles at a time.“ This provocative and pity of the subject, than that it use.

Landshuter FDP-man makes for a head: He was not homophobic, back he’s also not

The Passauer Neue Presse says to the lawyer, he was not homophobic. Back he did not want to occur. The Letter of his party colleagues, he feels, therefore, as a Tribunal that he himself had not been consulted. The Board should exclude him, he could accept it: “Yes mei, I don’t hang because of it,” said schoellhorn-Gaar more.

at Least one debate between the FDP-man and a representative of the liberal Gays and lesbians, but probably, also reports to the world.