Before the consumption of a certain sausage places now warns the manufacturer. Therefore, there is a callback: It is a serious health risks.

Hannover – recall of a Sausage! In the affected product Listeria could be contained. These are pathogens, which are transmitted from the animal. Listeria can even survive the freezer, for the people, some of them are very dangerous.

In the current case, should be eaten in the whole of June, sold Sausage any more. Because in the case of investigations by the authorities, the company said dangerous Listeria were detected. Customers can return the Sausage and get the purchase price refunded.

recall of sausage: product should not be eaten

Specifically, the callback to the “ Sausage Fine” , which came in June at numerous stores and in the trade. Manufacturer the butcher Stübner from lower Saxony. Where exactly is the recalled Sausage was sold, the company said, however. Eaten they should be but there is no case, because you could not recognize as a layman, according to the manufacturer, whether the Sausage of the pathogens was infested.

Although infection by Listeria in healthy adults are often harmless; the hallmarks are partly pain, fever, and muscle or diarrhea and vomiting. But just for Pregnant women, the Elderly and the Sick, an infection by Listeria, a serious threat.

Multiple callbacks of sausage and meat products lately

recently purchase the country had to call his beef back. It was contaminated parts with plastic. Penny had followed the problems with a sausage recall.
