show for Years already, the two tireless commitment to the mercury CUP. For Bärbel Aigner and Julius have a prong on the Saturday evening, the Committed price in 2019 will receive.

Munich – For the first Time this year, the Bavarian was Engaged-price of the Bavarian state Ministry awarded for particularly zealous Volunteer. About the tribute to Julius Zinke from Hausham and Bärbel Aigner from Warngau could look forward to. The two were honored for their year-long, tireless commitment to the mercury Cup in the category of stamina on Saturday night at the BMW world in Munich.

Since 2001, Aigner volunteer for the mercury Cup. She takes care of the organisation of the workflow, helps to tournament planning, and was at all the Finals in use. The Warngauerin moderated even individual district and regional finals, is every year as an idea-giver in the selection of awards and is involved in the fair play conception of the largest Junior tournament in the world. “Football is your Sport, you know best,” confirmed the actor Wolfgang Fierek, who was the presenter on the stage, the Warngauerin. “Fair play in Sport and on the football field is important to her.”

was allowed to keep The confirmed Aigner, after you Committed to the price in 2019 is in your hands. “It comes with every Sport Team values,” she said in the BMW world. And this is especially the mercury Cup, the Beautiful. “It’s about respect, team spirit and Fairness.” Just as important, it was to transport these values to the spectators and parents on the edge of the field. In their opinion, the children would need on the field, not the referee. “Which would sort this out among themselves.”

Julius Zinke was against it from the beginning of the mercury Cups to provide both on and off the playing field. As reported, looks back to the house Hamer on 25 years as a referee of the tournament. Before he finished his career with the mercury Cup, also got the prize of the Bavarian state Ministry awarded. “With 82 years and still active in voluntary work”, said Laudator Fierek, “this is a proud achievement. Hats off!“ Zinke revealed his recipe for a quarter of a century in the service of the mercury Cups: “The children and the Sport have kept me young.”
