In the Therme Erding is locked in place on Sunday evening, a visitor completely. The 26-Year-old had drunk apparently. Then it was dangerous.

Erding – Totally out of the role of male visitors to the Therme Erding is like on Sunday evening. He had probably looked too deep into the glass and was heavily under the influence of alcohol. The staff asked him to leave the Wellness temple.

Therme Erding: Drunk unlocks police has to intervene

The man refused and began to threaten the staff. This called the police, who took the 26-Year-old in custody. Due to the fierce resistance of the Drunk, turned out to be this, however, is quite difficult. The Rest of the night, the young man then spent to sober up in a cell.

also read: piss-attack in Bamberg: A Drunk in leather pants has urinated off a bridge onto a tour boat. When he meets the tourist, is he still insolent.