the young in voluntary work crumbling While everywhere, make it two villages to receive a Volunteer fire Department, and for the past 100 years.

Purk/Langwied – Purk and Langwied have together around 200 inhabitants. Nearly every Tenth of them is in the military active. The fire club, every Second belongs to even.

“We only have a club in place,” the former commander Joseph Zacherl dry. “Because they’re all in.” Possible that the high number of members has to do with it. But the fire-Purk-is Langwied, nevertheless, a phenomenon. It has neither a fire house, a fire-fighting vehicle, at least none that has a drive of its own. Only a carrying capacity syringe trailer is available, a reject device from Brucker Fliegerhorst. It is accommodated with the use of clothing in a converted, again and again renovated barn.

a Lot of young people

The Thesis that young people only come for the military to, if state of the art technology attracts, refute the Purker and long again. About a third of the Assets belong to the age group of 18 – to 30-Year-old. Well, the Numbers are down a little bit. However, you move to the necessary minimum thickness of 18 man. The municipality of Moorenweis, to belong to the Purk and Langwied, has promised: as long As there are active members of the military.

The local knowledge is important

“only because of the local knowledge that is important,” says Manfred grinding. He came in 1965, as a 16-Year-old to do so. And he knows that The comrades from abroad do not find themselves in Purk, without Further notice. The place is so small that there are no street names, only house numbers. Grinding remembers an Alarm from the local children’s home, which led to a traffic chaos, because various Brigades from outside came onto the scene. They had not been alarmed because of the extent of the damage event was initially clear and you wanted to go because of the children on the safe side. Fire trucks clogged the streets, some of them blocked each other. The use was fortunately got off lightly – there was only a curtain, no one came to harm. But after that, new directions have been drawn up plans for the children’s home.

a Whole year without using it before

a whole year without a single use passes, comes. Usually the military that needs to be sent only if a traffic accident occurred in the sharp curve before the village. Or you will nachalarmiert in the case of floods and major fires in the area.

However, although overall, there was little to do, nobody would let a routine tearing. In the monthly Exercises in moorenweis Active from Purk and Langwied as regularly as the comrades from the main town. “We make everything that is required,” stressed club Chairman Christian Schellmann.

The Flag is not just big

Recently, the military has celebrated its 100-year anniversary big. During the festive divine service in the crowded Church, a new standard was blessed, the leave the club for the anniversary had made. The previous copy was adopted on this occasion by commander Leonard Rottenkolber in retirement. The small fire-red Flag dates back to the founding year of 1919. Long she lay forgotten in the Church tower. As the fireman’s Association was founded, someone came up with the idea, you bring back. “At events we have been ridiculed, because it is so small,” recalls Ex-commander Zacherl. What. s. The Flag has held up well – just like the whole fire Department to’.