The imprisoned Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was taken to hospital. The reason an allergic reaction is. His Doctor has a different Theory.

Update from the 29. July 2019: , After the mystery illness of the Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny is speculation about a poisoning of the 43-Year-old. Also Navalny’s body a doctor does not exclude such a fact. May his skin be touched by a “poison, and of an unknown chemical substance by a third party” had been violated, wrote Doctor Anastasia Vasilyeva on Facebook. A allergic reaction from the previously mentioned, have Navalny suffered before, never.

A diagnosis had not been announced by the authorities. Neither Navalny nor his relatives had been informed of the investigation results, said Vasilyeva more. Navalny was moved on Sunday from detention in a hospital. According to reports, he suffered previously under the swollen eyelids, and abscesses of the neck, back, torso, and elbow. Vasilyeva called for an investigation of the bedding in the detention cell of the Kremlin critic.

Navalny was sentenced on Wednesday to 30 days in jail, because he had called for protest actions, in which members of the opposition to the admission of independent candidates in the regional elections in six weeks and want to claim. Navalny is considered to be one of the most prominent critics of Vladimir Putin and had been convicted in the last couple of months, met again and again short-term.

Russia: jailed Kremlin critic Navalny in the hospital

Update from 28. July 2019: Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was brought in from custody in a hospital. He was being treated due to an acute allergic reaction, wrote his spokeswoman on Sunday via the short message service Twitter. “Currently, he is under the protection of police officers on a Station.”

Navalny’s state of health was satisfactory, reported by Doctors of the Agency Interfax according to. Which is why it came to the allergic reaction, is still unclear, said the spokesman. The leader of the opposition have had something in his life.

Navalny was sentenced on Wednesday to 30 days in jail, because he had called for protest actions, in which members of the opposition to the admission of independent candidates in the regional election in six weeks and want to claim. Navalny sat several times in prison.

Only on Saturday, almost 1400 protesters, the protests had been detained in Moscow, as* reported.

first message from 12. June 2019: opposition leader Navalny at a rally in Moscow

More than 400 people, including the Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, according to civil rights activists in an unsanctioned Demonstration in Moscow. “Alexei Navalny has just been arrested,” said the spokesperson for the Kremlin-critic on Wednesday in the short message service Twitter. The protest demonstration was initially planned as a solidarity event for the unveiling of journalists Ivan Golunow, had been detained for alleged drug trafficking, fixed and placed under house arrest before the case was closed on Tuesday as a surprise.

The civil rights organization OVD-Info reported the arrest of at least 94 people. Their Protest was directed against the role of the police in the case of Golunow. The protesters called on, therefore, “shame” and “stop police terror”.

The arrest of Investigative journalists triggered a wave of outrage in the Russian population. Numerous Russian colleagues Golunows and international organizations condemned the actions of the authorities.

Golunow who works for the independent Investigative Portal “Medusa”, was arrested on Thursday. On Saturday a judge ordered two months of house arrest. Golunow denied the accusations. The drugs had been planted. The 36-Year-old is also reported to be in police custody have been tortured. On Tuesday Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev said interior, the investigation and the house arrest lifted.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital-editor.