As the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder, deserves, of course, good. However, a constitutional lawyer questioned whether this content deserves at all.

The constitutional lawyer Hans Herbert von Arnim has worked for many years with the salaries of German politicians. Recently his book “The self-operator. How Bavarian politicians in the state to loot”. And his Thesis is: “Bavaria is the German champion in the targeted Hiding of prohibited self-granted benefits.” Is there anything to it?

content is not specified in the Constitution

According to Arnim, it is pushing Bayern to the top, if it’s about how the politicians use the money. “This is due to the fact that the CSU ruled the country for over half a century, and she always was able to persuade the opposition groups to the Tapping of state resources, willing to Participate,” he explained. It is in the Constitution only, that the members of the Landtag have the right to free travel on all public transport facilities in Bavaria and on an expense allowance . Of an income or of a contributory pension not a speech, so Arnim was.

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increases without a vote in the budget

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Lush retirement plans for politicians

Although the worst Excesses have been eliminated, the pension Bavarian politicians are still very generous of you , says the constitutional expert. For example, the 46-year-old Markus Söder had already EUR 4,525 thousand Euro pension from his mandate and again 4.152 euros from his tenure as Minister. That would make, because Bayern claims charged only a third of a monthly pension of 7.339 Euro , we calculated Arnim and Söder is still a while in the office.

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nepotism in Bavarian politics

Now it is forbidden to politicians, although, to his spouse or relatives in the first degree set, but for other members it is allowed. If necessary, the politicians help themselves to each other and ask the Relatives of the other . This is by the way forbidden in the Bundestag.

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Rich 21.102 euros a month for Markus Söder

Markus Söder refers to as the Minister of the basic salary B11, which are 11.557 euros per month, writes the Munich newspaper AZ. Three-sixteenths addition to this basic salary, makes 13.724 Euro. With a Family allowance for three children, he comes to 14.351 Euro. But that’s not all! On top of that, half of the members of the compensation comes, plus tax-free duty allowance, plus 75 percent of the tax-free lump sum. Bavaria’s Prime Minister refers say and write 21.102 Euro in the month .

read more : So much Angela Merkel earns as Chancellor.

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