An unknown Wanderer should have missed at the Schliersee, a mountain biker with a fist. The police searched for a photo after the man. Now the Wanderer turned and contradicts.

Update from 18. August, 11.52 PM : After the police had released a photo of the suspects, reported the wanted man even in the case of the police inspection of Miesbach.

The first data of the Munich, according to have occurred the incident different from what the Complainant described. The police inspection Miesbach has now the task of the exact circumstances of the fact, from 11. To reconstruct August.

Update 16. August: The police inspection of Miesbach, in close cooperation with the public Prosecutor’s office Munich II, the investigations about the rabid Wanderers. Now the group of the investigative authorities to gain a picture of the offender, which will be released with a judicial decision.

witnesses, the identity of the perpetrator or the police can otherwise make the information in the case, are asked to inform the police inspection Miesbach at the phone number (08025) 2990 or any other police Department.

On the Schliersee: Walker urges mountain bikers – then he fails to

first message from 12. August:

Schliersee – That hikers and mountain bikers on the mountain, with different interests get in the way, can happen. That one is attacking the other totally out of the blue and hurt, still does not work. Now the police are looking for a rabid hiker, who missed on Sunday in Schliersee a Weyarner suddenly a fist blow.

the police reported the event: suddenly, a hitherto unknown perpetrators on Sunday in Schliersee hit an oncoming mountain biker, so this came to fall, and not insignificantly injured.

Schliersee: mountain biker will all of a sudden, from hikers

at 12 o’clock sailed the 33-year-old Weyarner with his Bike, according to police, attacked the report, the forest road from the direction of the cross Alpine Lodge motorway in the direction of Hennereralm. A few hundred meters below the cross Alpine Lodge a Wanderer came to meet the cyclists in a female companion up the hill.

As the Biker past the man wanted to, joined the walkers, the police report says that more and more in the lane of the cyclist, so that the Weyarner had to slow down his journey. The mountaineers went more on the cyclist and urging him in the direction of the edge of the forest road before he proposed to say to him suddenly and without doing anything with the right fist on the left half of the face.

Schliersee mountains: Walker urges mountain bikers – then the Situation

escalated By the impact of the mountain bikers came to fall and remained next to the forest road. He suffered through the shock of a bleeding laceration in the face, and various abrasions and contusions by the fall, which had to be treated in the hospital Agatharied. In addition, his bike was damaged considerably.

+ In the Schliersee mountains below the cross Alpine Lodge is supposed to have the attack happened. ©Google Maps

The hiker was injured on the forest road and continued after a short discussion, his way in the direction of the cross Alpine Lodge. A manhunt for the perpetrators, with more police patrols on the both sides was in port, unfortunately, is inconclusive, notify the police.

fight at the Schliersee: police are looking for violent hikers

The offender was described as follows: approximately 40 old, about 1.90 metres tall, very muscular, black hair, wearing a blue T-Shirt, short trousers, blue-grey shoes and a backpack. The man spoke high German. The police inspection of Miesbach is asking witnesses to provide clues to the incident or the unknown offender to report under 08025 / 299-0 in the case of the police inspection of Miesbach.

also read:

CSU wants to shut out mountain bikers – from the tourism sector in the district thinks nothing of

Visitor management on the mountain: Ranger to recreational athletes fall to raise awareness

war in the mountains: a Nail and stones against mountain bikers

Also in connection to the Dachauer Volksfest 21 was attacked-Year-old brutal.
