A gift of two vendors that “should be at least 200 years old,” was Horst Lichter amazed. But not only therefore, but also the desire price, the spit stayed away from him.

Horst lights no longer came out in an episode of “Bares für Rares” recently of the Amazement. At least it seemed so, as he saw the curious junk of two Friends. This came to Pulheim rolling mill, in order to make your “at least 200 years old,” honey, as the Duo assured money.

“Bares für Rares”: presenter lights takes this “money trap” the breath

“Wat is dat that thing?”, for his off-hand sayings of well-known Moderator asked. But not only is he wondered at this time about the good pieces, also a few spectators in front of the TV screen, a question mark was probably written in the face.

expert Fabian Benöhr explained finally, through the curious souvenir of the two older ladies from Bonn: it was actually a historical Flea trap ! As the lights finds out what this strange invention was good, stayed away from him the more the air.

It was said at the time: was Washing harmful to health , ” said expert Fabian Benöhr. From this unsavory reason flourished, however, Flea Infestations. “ in the past, people have worn either under the wig, or anywhere on the breast is hidden , ” said one of the Girlfriends, seller Ebba Köhl. They had the Flea-the event of your great-grandparents inherited . Girlfriend Rosemarie Glunz had accompanied them only to Pulheim rolling mill. “That’s why you had to manage with such a small machine,” says expert Benöhr continued.

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200-year-old rarity is a Flea trap? But wishful thinking of the seller makes all the doubt

But how the Flea works-case? Allegedly used to be dropped blood, honey or syrup on a cloth, the case is screwed and then the cloth placed . “The fleas had crawled inside, were thick and didn’t come out,” said the expert. The piece, which had been made Benöhr, according to ivory, was probably the from the middle of the 19th century. Century . A rare rarity!

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