Andreas Kalbitz (AfD) top candidate for the state Parliament election in Brandenburg. What you know about CV, wife, children, and career of the right wing?

Andreas Kalbitz has ambitions, the first AfD-Prime Minister of Germany. At the state election in Brandenburg in 2019, he wants to replace the current father of the country Dietmar Woidke (SPD). But who is this man that the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany as its top candidate on 1. September sends?

About Andreas Kalbitz not much is known. His CV does not works almost perfectly in a straight line, a lot of Private, one learns about the country the Chairman of the AfD in Brandenburg.

the AfD’s top candidate, Andreas Kalbitz came from Bavaria to Brandenburg

Andreas Kalbitz was Born on 17. November 1972 in Munich, Germany. About Childhood and youth nothing is known, his official resume a bit to the end of the school year: From 1994 up to 2006 he has been a paratrooper in the Bundeswehr. His professional training: a studies in computer science at the Brandenburg University of applied Sciences and training to become a Media clerk. In 2009, Andreas Kalbitz takes over the management of the Edition Apollo-Verlag, logs in to 2013 with insolvency. Thereafter, the AfD’s top candidate for the state Parliament election in Brandenburg as an IT consultant and start a business. He worked according to his own statement, already successful for Mercedes, BMW and other large companies.

Andreas Kalbitz has on your own CV

rotated According to his official course studied Andreas Kalbitz from 2005 to 2007 at the University of applied Sciences Brandenburg, computer science will. However, a degree he has not. In fact, the AfD man passed not even a study. Because, as the Märkische Allgemeine has found, makes the native of Munich in his field of study, a only examination. Therefore, he is expelled from the FH finally, after only four semesters, compulsory. At the request of the AfD’s top candidate for the state Parliament election in Brandenburg in 2019, the euphemism in his biography that don’t want to be, after all, been the whole time. “Although I have never studied really, but it was there, and I have also spoken with a Professor.”

In Kalbitz‘ political CV CSU, Republicans and AfD

Already as a teenager, Andreas Kalbitz leads‘ the way in politics: in 1988, the Munich-based of the Junge Union and the CSU, along with changes in 1994 to The Republicans. His political home in the AfD, he finds in 2013, initially as a 2. Deputy Chairman of the AfD County Association Dahme-Spreewald, two years later, Andreas Kalbitz Vice-Chairman of the AfD-landesverband Brandenburg. In 2017, he will take over from Alexander Gauland, the country chair of the AfD in Brandenburg and is the Chairman of the group in the Landtag.

Andreas Kalbitz‘ wife and father-in-law are British

His private life keeps Andreas Kalbitz strictly under lock and key. It is only known that the AfD’s top candidate is married at the state election in Brandenburg since about 1994, his wife is British. Your 2006 late father Stuart Russell was a British soldier in the vicinity of the Wewelsburg near Paderborn, and has published several books on the First and Second world war. The Couple has three children, the family lives in Königs Wusterhausen, in the district of Dahme-Spreewald in Brandenburg, Germany.

the AfD’s top candidate, Andreas Kalbitz allegations gets because of Hitler-films

at the beginning of August Andreas Kalbitz made headlines because of his involvement in documentary films about Hitler. As the authors of the AfD’s top candidate in, and his father, Russell, son-in-law stated. As the Märkische Allgemeine reported, acknowledged Kalbitz his involvement in the production. He explained that his father-in-law have had as a native of British difficulties with the German lyrics, so he had helped him in the Revision of the scenarios.

Andreas Kalbitz is one of the leading figures of the right national wing within the AfD, the grouping is observed from the protection of the Constitution. The politician from Brandenburg do not consider themselves to be extreme right.

AfD candidate Andreas Kalbitz on Facebook and co.

social networks Andreas Kalbitz reports of the political spectrum to word. In addition to the official Social Media channels of his party in Brandenburg, there is also a private Facebook presence of the top candidate. For pithy rhetoric Kalbitz is not only on the Internet: a roundtable discussion with students shortly before the election, he used drastic words.

According to the surveys in the state of Brandenburg, there are six parties will be represented with some degree of certainty in the Parliament. We present to you the top candidate for the state Parliament election in Brandenburg in 2019 in more detail.

are you still undecided who to choose? The Wahl-O-Mat Brandenburg can help. This also applies to voters who make their decision early, because you can choose in Brandenburg, by way of postal ballot.

in addition to the state elections in Brandenburg, the Landtag election in Saxony, on the 1. September. The AfD’s top candidate, Joerg Urban.

correction: An earlier Version of this article contained the statement, Andreas Kalbitz would carry out its own Social Media presence. This statement was factually incorrect and was, therefore, of the editorial team on 29. August 2019 corrected.