Go to NRK valgsenter 2019

the right side has not given up on plans about a shift in power in the vestlandshovudstaden.

the Right hand is the city’s second largest party after the labour party (Ap) was halved since the last election, and bompengepartiet debuted with a brakval.

Wednesday met with FNB Right and the progress party to converse about a byrådssamarbeid in Bergen.

– We have today had a very constructive meeting, and has also been in contact with the Pensjonistpartiet. Now we will sondera with the centre party and the Christian democratic Party, in order to see what issues are important to them when they shall go in byrådsforhandlingar. The goal is to see if we can’t have an attractive option to them also, says Aafløy.

Partioppslutning in BergenFlest stemmerStørst endringPARTIPROSENTANTALLHHøyre20,0 %30 09330093 stemmerAPArbeiderpartiet19,8 %29 72729727 stemmerFNBFolkeaksjonen No more bompenger16,7 %25 05325053 stemmerMDGMiljøpartiet The Grønne9,9 %14 92514925 stemmerSVSosialistisk Venstreparti8,6 %12 94412944 stemmerSPSenterpartiet5,3 %7 9877987 stemmerRRødt4,9 %7 3297329 stemmerFRPFremskrittspartiet4,7 %6 9986998 stemmerVVenstre3,8 %5 7755775 stemmerKRFKristelig Folkeparti3,1 %4 6214621 stemmerPPPensjonistpartiet1,5 %2 2392239 stemmerPDKPartiet The Kristne0,7 %1 1131113 stemmerDEMDemokratene0,6 %852852 stemmerLIBLiberalistene0,2 %312312 stemmerPIRPiratpartiet0,1 %215215 stemmerNKPNorges Communist Parti0,1 %9191 stemmerVis all partierVis færreVis antallVis prosentPARTIENDRING In PROSENTPOENGFNBFolkeaksjonen No to more tolls+16,7 Change on the+16,7 prosentpoengMDGMiljøpartiet The Green+3,9 Change of+3,9 prosentpoengSPSenterpartiet the+3.3 Change on the+3.3 prosentpoengRRødt+2,5 Change of+2.5 to prosentpoengSVSosialistisk Left+1,6 Change+1,6 prosentpoengPPPensjonistpartiet+0,7 Change of+0,7 prosentpoengPDKPartiet Christian+0,3 Change+0,3 prosentpoengLIBLiberalistene+0,2 Change+0,2 prosentpoengPIRPiratpartiet+0,1 Change of+0,1 prosentpoengDEMDemokratene+0,1 Change of+0,1 prosentpoengNKPNorges Communist Party+0,1 Change of+0,1 prosentpoengVVenstre?1,7 Change?1,7 prosentpoengHHøyre?2,1 Change?2,1 prosentpoengKRFKristelig people’s Party?3,0 Change?3,0 prosentpoengFRPFremskrittspartiet?4,1 Change on?4,1 prosentpoengAPArbeiderpartiet?18,1 Change on?18,1 prosentpoengVis all partierVis færreKommunevalg – Result – 100 % opptalte votes

CONVERSE: Roger Valhammer (Ap) meets the press after conversations with between the other Thor Haakon Bakke (MDG, bakarst) and Erlend Horn (V) Tuesday.

Photo: Adrian Nyhammer Olsen / NRK Right: – No comment

Tuesday, stated Harald Victor Hove (H) he simply has not given up plans to become byrådsleiar in Bergen.

on Wednesday evening confirm that he has invited the Sp and KrF to converse about byrådssamarbeid.

– Beyond that I have no comment at the current time.

the Hope is to kuppa byrådsplanane to the Ap.

Both the Progress and the Sp have been in conversations with the Ap, Left, A, MDG and Red since Tuesday. Ap-manager Roger Valhammer invited sentrumspartia and all the left wing for the conversations between the that can be a regnbogefarga majority.

Samtalane to continue Thursday.

To defiance for that Sector went to val on further byrådssamarbeid with the Ap and V, and Senterparti-top Ove Sverre Bjørdal valnatta stated that Ap is the most natural samarbeidspartnaren, think Aafløy a right-sentrumssamarbeid is realistic.

I looked Bjørdal as that he would sondera with the Ap first. But in the word first is the the that a later can go to other places. Therefore we will give him an offer from us, too, says Aafløy.

BYRÅDSLEIARKANDIDAT: Harald Victor Hove photographed on the Right say valvake in Bergen Monday.

Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / NRK Can support further city construction

the Party has gone to val to break the outer barrier of the arts. In addition, they programfesta that The light rail not going to go over the Pier.

Seen away from it is the party willing to the leg far to føya sentrumspartia – also to support further bybanebygging in Bergen. On one condition: That the state pay all.

as long As we get away the outer barrier, which is part of the tradeoff here, so we have a pragmatic attitude: If we get the state to cast away lots of money to pay for all the path to the Mountains, then shall not we be us in the way of it. Maybe we can take a mellomløysing, where we in the first place build to the RELATIONSHIP, and take it in several etappar. We are not locked on anything else than that it shall not go before the Pier.

– What specific issues they can meet the Sp and KrF?

I think not we shall forhandla here. It is not correct to say that we should give them this and that. We want to know what issues they are absorbed by what is most important for them to achieve. It is that which must be the starting point for the discussions, says Aafløy.

Harald Victor Hove answered følgande on whether the Right actually has been einig with FNB about to break outer congestion zone:

We are einige to have conversations about the cooperation with KrF and Sp. The things that come out of them samtalane again to see.

CHEERS: Protestpartiet made a brakval in Bergen and got 16.7 per cent of the votes. Hegelstad eiendomsselskap arvid b. hegelstad Aafløy was by far the most personstemmer of all innvalde in the city council.

Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / NRK Closes not the door of the FNB

But Ove Sverre Bjørdal (Sp) will not say great. Sentrumsmannen has since Tuesday had conversations with the three byrådspartia, MDG and left wing, and has not taken a position on what he said on an invitation from trekløveret on the right side.

I will take no avgjerder before I have discussed it with the board. We will have new conversations in the morning, so going to the party have a board meeting in the evening.

Bjørdal will not answer on how applicable it is to diskutera byrådssamarbeid with protestpartiet.

– part of politics is reproduced, and a part put no difference between us. Among other things, they will make some cuts in the economy that will have dramatic consequences. We don’t know what FNB stands for politically. Frp separate themselves ideologically from the Sp, and it will be challenging. The right is somewhat closer, but there are cases that put here also, ” says Bjørdal.

Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / NRK Sp no longer on the teeter-totter

After finteljinga in Bergen, norway, harbour not the Sp in the vippeposisjonen they were an to. Roger Valhammer (Ap) can therefore be all right without the Sp to form the majority.

But then need it support from both the Red and the Christian democratic Party, a political collaboration which not just klaffar ideological.

But where the Ap can manage without a Q, is the right side depending on both the Sp and KrF bytes samtalepartnar.

Finansbyråd and meant in the Progress, Håkon Pettersen, type in a text message Wednesday evening that the party now has conversations to find solutions based on the current municipal council.

– and When is it not natural to at the same time have conversations with other konstellasjonar.

Go to NRK valgsenter 2019